The Rev Al Sharpton has stated publicly that had the Hurricane Katrina victims been White the Response by the Government would have been much Quicker. One Wonders if Rev Sharpton has even read the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan which layouts the duties and responsibilities of the different government agencies.

Dear Rev Al Sharpton,

I would like to Respond to the following quote made by you while Speaking in Houston,

  • ‘I feel race was a factor. Why? I remember almost a year ago to the day I was in Florida when a hurricane was coming not a point four, not a point five, and I saw the White House move. I saw the government of the president’s brother move. National Guard was already alerted before the storm ever hit. It seems to me that if we can be alert in Palm Beach, Florida, we could have been alert in New Orleans.’

President Bush has stated publicly that he pre-signed a statement of emergency prior to Hurricane Katrina hitting the state of Louisiana and the rest of the Gulf Coast Region.

According to separate press releases made by FEMA and the White House dated August 27, President Bush authorized the allocation of federal resources, to the State of Louisiana.

According to the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan (available online at the Mayor of New Orleans (Ray Nagin) and the Governor of the State of Louisiana (Kathleen Blanco) had specific tasks to do prior to Hurricane Katrina (that were not done).

According to the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan Governor Blanco’s was suppose to call for help from the National Guard. Why wasn’t the national Guard on Standby alert ready to deploy to New Orleans and the other Cities up and down the Gulf Coast.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (who is black) was suppose to Evacuate the people of his city using public vehicles if needed to help those who were unable to escape the coming wrath of Katrina because of health or lack of transportation

The Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan was very specific about what a Strong Hurricane could do to the City of New Orleans right down to the flooding that followed.

Rev Sharpton had Mayor Nagin used city buses to help the poor and sick evacuate prior to Hurricane Katrina’s arrival much of the looting, Human Suffering and Deaths would have been avoided.

Rev Sharpton had Governor Blanco placed the national guard on standby prior to Hurricane Katrina’s arrival they could have been deployed much faster to distribute food and water, help rescue the survivors and stop the looters.

Rev Sharpton had Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin done what they were suppose to do prior to the arrival to Hurricane Katrina the need for Federal help and support would have been restricted to a repair and rebuild effort.

Rev Sharpton, while I do agree mistakes and blunders were made at all levels of the city, state and Federal Government I do think they were mistakes and not deliberate actions aimed at a specific Race of People or a Specific economic Class of People.

Rev Sharpton we need an Independent impartial commission set up to study what went wrong and what went write with the Hurricane Response plan. I am confident that this commission will find that the poor response in the early stages were do to mistakes and mishaps and not because of the race or economic status of the victims. If I am wrong Rev Sharpton I will make a public apology. If I am Right Rev Sharpton will you make a Public apology?

Rev Sharpton I challenge you to stop furthering your political agenda by making outrageous statements and use your fame to rally the people to the aid of the Hurricane Katrina Victims. As an American I am proud to see that donations to the Red Cross alone are over 400 Million Dollars in less then 2 Weeks. I am proud to say that Americans of all Races and Economic backgrounds are rallying to support the Hurricane Katrina Victims.

Rev Sharpton I am proud to say that when I donated blood to help the Hurricane Katrina relief effort that volunteers of many races were working the blood drive. The Blood donors laying on the tables along side mine were of many races and economic classes. When a collection was made by a local church, I saw people of many races and economic classes donate.

Rev Sharpton why not bring attention to the 3 Young Boys ranging in age from 6 to 9 (with the help of their Moms) raised over $1,000 from a Lemonade stand to help in Hurricane Katrina relief effort. These Same Boys and their moms have set up a web site seeking online donations in return for purchases of virtual lemonade. It seems a grass roots movement of children all over the country are selling Lemonade, Washing cars, Selling Mardi Gras and doing all kind of fund raising efforts.

Rev Sharpton while I can’t say with 100% certainty (no one can until an impartial commission publishes their findings) that our government did not discriminate against a race or economic group in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I can proudly say that the people of America of all races and economic Classes and age groups have responded promptly and generously to their countrymen in need. I do hope and pray that our government which is suppose to be a direct reflection of the people are shown to be blameless of everything other then possibly a poor plan poorly executed.

In the meantime Rev Sharpton let’s join together as a country and do whatever is in our power to help all the people directly and indirectly effected by Hurricane Katrina.

Kind Regards,

Mike Makler

About the Author
Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuity) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St. Louis County Missouri Just Across the Bridge from St. Charles Missouri

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