1. Cultivate mystique. Don’t disclose your private details or your past.

2. Be suggestive. Intensify his emotions without being open.

3. Be potentially available. A vivacious charmer like you is usually booked, but ………

4. Learn poise — come out of every situation cool. Raw language and tantrums aren’t pretty.

5. Leave them short. Men get bored when desserts are served first up.

6. You decide what you’re worth. Make certain that you have your own life — and live it!

7. Don’t be familiar. You don’t want to be treated like an old pair of comfortable slippers.

8. Grooming and etiquette are not out of date. I will add that, no matter what the fashion, there is absolutely nothing more alluring to a male’s inner pull than a woman confident of her femininity.

9. Run your own financial life — be quietly rich. Personal management is smart.

10. Never take leftovers. You are not desperate or dependent.

The most important tip of all is to control your emotions or your life will run away in all directions. You must ask yourself each morning “What do I want?” and continue throughout the day steadfast with your goals and planning. If you are looking for a relationship with a man, don’t show yourself as emotionally hungry, and be careful to accept only your ideal man. By the way, there is no shortage of such wonderful men, but you must arrange for your life to happen.

Esmerelda Jones… writer of desires

Victoriana, Victorian Swoon & Erotica, The Wisdom & Romance of Ancient Greece.


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