The 10 most normal Marketing mistakes:
1. The most normal marketing mistake: Joining another marketer”s paid “scam” or “to-high” priced service. What to do: If you are going to join a paid program make sure it is legitimate and not just a scam!( is a very good example of a non-scam because it offers 1000″s of $ in marketing value for a very little sum!)
2. The second most normal marketing mistake: Buying a “learn-how” or “learn-to” marketing ebook. What to do: Search for the name of the ebook in google + free + download and almost EVERY time you search for a ebook you will get at least 1 hit that gives you the ebook for free.(Don”t do it on “you may not give it away only sell it for at least () dollars” ebooks it”s illegal to download them free then..)
3. The third most normal marketing mistake: Signing up for free-to-join safelists like crazy because they are free to join and they believe they are some kind of “magic” traffic driving tool, but what they really do is exploding theyre list email with junk emails and letting the safelist admins send you marketing mails promoting resell stuff…What to do: Join as few safelists as you can manage,(hopefully just and the only safelists I really reccomend)if you”re email are getting bombarded with safelist emails: either block the safelists emails or delete your email!(and get a new one of course)
4. The fourth most normal marketing mistake: Joining traffic-exchanges and ad-exchanges and autosurf programs and I don”t know what other programs, believing the programs will just send them the traffic without them doing anything, what to do: start to surf a few traffic exchange programs reguarly (1 hour a day reccomended) surfing 3-10 traffic exchanges at the same time.(Pre-sign up for the “Traffic exchange “know how” ” ecourse at if you want to get it free!)
5. The fifth most normal marketing mistake: Joining mailing list”s and ezines for free, while really they sign up for free to get a bunch of marketing emails. What to do:
Always look if the site says “we respect your email privacy” or “we will not sell, trade or give your email away” or something like
that. Always look if the site says: “No advertising” or “no marketing” or “no ads or solo-ads” or such.(Unless you too get to post ads for free of-course…)And always use a sec to think it through “do I really need this?”.
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