You got your website, you got your AdSense account, you have updated and published your new pages with AdSense code all over it and you are starting to see a little bit of money trickling through – and it is not what you were expecting!
Like you, I thought I would be rolling in the AdSense money so fast that I already had my resignation letter printed and signed. That did not happen (yet). Well, that does not mean I have to throw that letter away, I will just have to backdate it for when I can do it.
When you are faced with this predicament, which I think everyone will come to at some point; you will need to separate yourself from the AdSense pack! You will have to transform yourself into an AdSense scientist and experiment with your website to get the best results possible! You might try some of the following:
Let”s say that you are getting decent traffic to your website, so therefore you are getting a lot of AdSense impressions, but with little or no clicks. The symptoms could be related to a lack of relevancy with the AdSense ads. Go to your website and view, but DO NOT click on, your AdSense ads. Now, imagine you are one of your visitors to your website; do the ads seem relevant to your site? If you think there is a relevancy problem, you can do two things to combat it:
Look for a common thread among the AdSense ads and see if there is a term in your keywords or content that relates to it. If so, you might want to change the words to eliminate the connection.
Look at the web addresses at the bottom of the AdSense ads, you might consider blocking those web sites from your AdSense account, by doing this you will eliminate that ad from showing up again, but realize that you may get a similar ad to take its place.
Create more pages and add more content that is relevant. Make your website stickier. Make the visitor want to stay on your site longer.
Try not to think of AdSense first when putting your content together, think of your visitors and giving them something worthwhile, the AdSense stuff should just be a bonus, that is why it is considered passive income, it means you are not supposed to think about it!
Make sure you have positioned the ads well, do not hide them, do not be ashamed of them, you got them there for a reason!
Ensure that your site is well optimized – that everything it pointing to one thing – your targeted subject matter.
The problem could be that your keywords are just not that “lucrative”, get yourself a listing of top paying keywords to ensure that you are using appropriate keywords that will bring in more money per click.
If you are consistently making a couple of bucks, a day or a week then replicate it. Create other web sites on different topics, different keywords. Make a couple of bucks a day or week with that one, and then continue to make another and another. Compound your efforts until you are making the kind of money you want to make.
Look for ways to increase traffic to your site, but keep it targeted and keep it relevant for your visitors and for your AdSense ads.
Make sure that the pages within your website are well linked; there is nothing more frustrating then not knowing where to go or where you came from.
Open a Google AdWords account and run ads to direct traffic to your site. Make sure that the margin between what you are spending on AdWords and what you are making on AdSense is significant enough to make this worthwhile. The great thing about traffic from your AdWords is that the visitor has shown a tendency to click on these ads already; they have pre-qualified themselves to do it on your site. You will hope that they will repeat their efforts on your site.
That is it, do whatever strategy you can to work your AdSense to the bone! Make sure you do things legitimately, don”t scam your visitors or manipulate them to make a few dollars with AdSense or any related program, the internet society has grown far too sophisticated to fall for anything like that, your site will be ignored and forgotten. Therefore, be a professional, treat your website like a business, and give your customers something relevant – then as an added bonus your AdSense ads will work with you.


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