Let me guess, you”ve read article after article on how to FINALLY get your site ranked at the top of the search engines. In fact, your mind is probably spinning with info and now you are just flat-out confused.
Am I right?
Well, this article is going to erase that confusion and set you on the right path to higher search engine rankings… the easy and SECRET way!
Take a deep breath and clear your head. I”m going to give you 3 TOP tips to instantly help your rankings.
We will follow the K.I.S.S Method (Keep it simple stupid!)
Ok here we go…
1. Focus on the RIGHT keywords
Your website or pages on your site need to focus on one or two PRIMARY keyword or keyword phrases. But the trick here is to not focus on keyword phrases that are almost impossible to rank high for. An example? Type in “credit cards” in Google and look at the amount of competing websites for that phrase. To reach the top 10 for that phrase will be extremely difficult. So pick other related phrases with less competition. They are out there, you just need to find them.
2. Put the keywords in the right places
Now that you have found the keywords or keyword phrases you want to pursue high rankings for, it is VITAL you put them in the right spots within your website. Here are the important spots…
*Get your main keywords in your title of your site
*Get your main keywords in your H1 and H2 headings
*Sprinkle in your keywords in your text…but not overkill!
*Have images? Insert your keywords in the ALT Tags
*Don”t forget…get your main keyword in the LAST spot on your page
DON”T be afraid to also mix in some secondary keywords with your main keywords. Do all of this in moderation. The last thing you want are search engines to think you are just spamming.
DON”T forget that CONTENT IS KING! Mix in your real, original content in with your keywords and watch your site take off!
3. Spy on your competitors
Ok, I”m going to let you in on a littlet secret tool that you really need to invest in. You can thank me later. 🙂 In order to get high rankings for the keywords you selected, you need to spy on the websites that are already there…and then go the extra mile to get one step ahead of them. What you need to look at is their link popularity and also WHAT other sites are linking back. You also need to look at things such as Google Page Rank, etc.
Now that I”ve stated what you need to look for, I”m going to reveal to you a little tool that will create HUGE results for your own site with just the click of the mouse. This is the tool that those with high rankings won”t tell you about.
In conclusion, if you follow just these three steps I”ve outlined above, you will be doing better than 90% of other webmasters out there! Just keep it simple, focus on your keywords and content, and spy on those that already are in the top positions. It won”t be long and you will be “king of the hill” and will reap the rewards!


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