I”m sure while you have seen many tips on advertising, many that talk about testing and tracking your ads, I”m sure that this one important tip is rarely mentioned: Running more than one ad at a time isn”t the greatest idea.
While it seems like a good idea to spend your monthly advertising budget all at once at the first of the month, is it really gaining you the best exposure? Even if you are running ads on various websites and networks, there is a pretty good chance many of those that see your ad on one site are going to see them on another.
Rather than having several ads running at the same time, try to space out your ads a bit and run only one at a time. Why? Well think of it this way. Say a visitor seeing your ad on one site and thinking “interesting, I may have to buy something later”. Later that same day if they are on another website I”m sure they”ll think “there it is again, but I”ll buy later”.
Now think if you would have waited a week or two before advertising at that second site in which this visitor comes to daily, and then seeing it saying “oh wow that site! I forgot I was going to buy there last week, so I”d better do it now”.
See the difference? Rather than one person seeing your site several times in one day or week and it still being the bad time, if you space your ads out you have a better chance of catching them when it IS a better time…….or at least taking a closer look at your site and getting them subscribed to your newsletter or other free offers you have on your website.
Another reason it”s good to spread your advertising dollars as far as they will go is for contant exposure. If you are seen constantly in several places at all times, the easier you are going to be remembered. Not to mention like we said before, always be seen by someone who IS ready to buy.
Now of course, when you do choose to advertise on several sites at the same time, there is the chance you will reach more of your target audience. Plus if you have the funds to constantly advertise on several sites at once, go for it! Just remember to keep the ads going, so you have a constant flow of visitors.


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