STEP ASIDE POP-UPS! Hover Ads Are Here
Tanner Larsson
As anyone involved in online marketing has learned in recent times, Pop-Up ads have developed a very negative connotation amongst Internet users the world over. Indeed, there has been an explosion in the availability of software and tools that are designed to block Pop-Up advertising.
An estimated 405 million internet users have free access to some form of pop-up blocking technology. If you are an internet marketer this is bad news, as pop-up had been an effective way of increasing sales and capturing email addresses for newsletters. Now over 405 million users that cannot see their advertisements and not only that, but the people who use pop-up blocking technology are typically ‘savvy internet users’ are the kinds of people most likely to spend money online.
Fortunately, Hover ad technology has arrived just in time. Hover ads are completely un-blockable, dynamic ad technology that are on the cutting edge of Internet marketing today.
As mentioned, Hover ads not only have the ability to avoid the latest Pop-Up blocking tools, Hover ads are a truly dynamic method of advertising. Even without blocking tools, the vast majority of Internet users will regularly “click off” any and all Pop-Up ads that invade their space.
Hover ads are so different, so appealing that the typical Internet user is going to read the ad content rather than make a reflexive decision to the click the advertisement away.
Boost Your Sales with Hover Ads
Internet business owners and internet marketers alike have reported dramatic sales increases after they commenced using hover ads on their websites. One typical example is that of an Internet business owner who had been using traditional Pop-Up ads only to see his sales dramatically decline over time.
Over the course of the first week that this same Internet marketer used Hover Pro ads he saw his sales volume actually triple.
Any offer or presentation you can come up with can typically be put into a Hover Ad campaign and will have a more profound impact on your sales and subscribers than regular methods.
On the Cutting Edge
Hover Ads truly are on the cutting edge of Internet advertising technology. Hover Ads are still relatively new to the internet scene, but already the variety and diversity of options and features of Hover Ads, make them a serious contender in the online marketing arena.
Some of the advanced features you will only find with hover ad technology are:
-Autoscrolling – this feature allows the hover ad to scroll down the page and stay visible as the user scrolls down the webpage.
-Draggablility – this feature allows the user to click on the hover ad and drag it around the screen and position it anywhere they want.
-Transparency – This cool feature allows you to see through the hover ad to the webpage beneath, while still displaying the hover ads content.
There are many other advanced features of hover ads that allow you to completely tweak and customize your marketing messages and advertisements for maximum impact.
By utilizing Hover ads you will be able to take your business to a whole new level. Since their recent introduction on the market, Hover ads have ensured revenue growth for a wide variety of online businesses. Any online business can benefit through the use of Hover ad technology. In little time you will see a marked increase in people visiting your online website as well as a noteworthy rise in your sales and revenue.


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