Short on cash? Need a new computer? Try barter!
So, what”s barter? Barter is the exchange of goods and services without the use of cash. It is the oldest form of commerce, and today more and more businesses are discovering or rediscovering the awesome power of barter.
Here”s how barter works: When you need a product or service for your business, instead of paying for it with cash, you instead pay for it with your otherwise unsold products or services, meanwhile allowing your business to expand without additional cash outlay. It is estimated that over 65% of the Fortune 500 companies engage in barter to one extent or another.
But don”t get the impression that barter is just for big business. Local companies trade among themselves all the time, for products and services to reduce cash outlay, and to promote their businesses. For example:
A garage owner can barter his auto repair services for legal services with a local attorney.
An attorney can trade his services for office supplies, auto repair, business lunches and plumbing service.
A restaurant owner can trade his service for kitchen supplies, grocery products, new carpeting, and plumbing service.
A plumber can trade his service for auto repair, advertising, legal services or a home entertainment system.
And it goes on and on. With barter, you”re limited only by your imagination.
So, how does one business approach another business about the possibility of bartering?
The easiest way is probably to go through your local barter exchange. Just look in the yellow pages under “Barter and Trade Exchanges.”
If you don”t have a barter exchange where you live, no problem. Just pick up the telephone and call a company you”re interested in bartering with.
Who knows, you just might be pleasantly surprised at the response you receive!


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