A page optimized for your Pay Per Click campaigns can increase your sales or desired action by 400%. I”ve witnessed it myself.
I’m going to reveal some very exciting techniques and tactics in this article that will explode your ROI by showing you how to optimize your landing pages way beyond what you might expect.
So here goes.
Your landing page should be seen as part of your ad. They should work together.
For best results you should build or modify a page specifically for your Pay Per Click campaign. Optimize the path you want people to take on visiting your site. It may make sense to strip out almost all your navigation, certainly remove any banners or links to other offers you may have.
Here”s a quick list of key points to consider –
• Keep your original objectives (sales, leads, opt ins) in mind.
• Refer to specific keywords, offers, and calls to action on your landing pages.
• Make your landing page navigation as simple as possible. Even to the point of removing all links bar the required action link e.g. the buy or submit button.
• Remove unnecessary distractions, streamline your page to get the required action.
• Help people get what they want in three clicks or fewer.
• Don’t create obstacles that discourage easy sales transactions.
It seems like a lot to remember but most of it is common sense.
Focus on getting your prospect to do one thing, simple single page sales letters work. I”ll reiterate we are focusing here on making your prospect do the one thing you desire of them, don’t distract them away from that.
Consider your site design. When it comes to website credibility criteria according to Joe public design is no1 at 46%. Believe it or not this is above a privacy policy, the copy or even the name and reputation of the company your prospect is dealing with. Superficial as it is having your site professionally designed will help win you customers.
Choose a landing page related to your ad don’t just link to the homepage unless it contains the relevant action you are trying to achieve.
Double check your ad url takes you to the correct page if your not linking directly to your home page. The last thing you need is to work hard on a campaign only to discover you”re sending prospects to the wrong page. Again put yourself in their shoes and go through your page the way they would. What would they like to see what would reassure them, entice them and encourage them to take action?
Remember to check your log files for browse patterns. If you find a lot of prospects add a product to their basket but then leave, it could be that your checkout process is missing some vital ingredient e.g. you’re not reassuring them that they’re totally safe in using their credit card on your site.
Or what if your site breaks for some unknown reason at some point. Maybe people are trying to buy but getting an error on clicking through to your checkout. Run through everything. Check all your links are working on the landing page at least.
Most of all be upfront with your visitors strive to give them confidence in your page and your site. It’s always good to have contact details prominent, phone numbers, email and even your address. It gives the impression this is a real and accountable business.


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