At first glance, Pay Per Click advertising seems to be the fastest way to send targeted website traffic to your websites online. You choose some keywords and add your website’s url and you are done. However, with most things online the competitive search terms are often very expensive and you spend lots of money to win the Pay Per Click wars.
This article will list five reasons why article marketing may be better than Pay Per Click Advertising.
Permanent links
Anyone knows that once you stop paying for your pay per click results, you will stop getting website traffic. Articles on the other hand always stay on the pages of a high traffic website if added. This is like opening a shop in a busy shopping mall. You get more targeted website visitors this way quite easily. Once readers read the targeted articles and then click through to your website, they are in the mood to read whatever offers that you can sell and you tend to make more money this way as they treat you as an expert if they like your article. Thus in article marketing, you get traffic on a continuing basis and not just when you pay for it.
Viral effect
Not only that if publishers like your work, they put it on all their websites and send it to their newsletters with many readers and some of these readers will start clicking to your website and signing up or purchasing whatever you are promoting. Some readers if they like your article will forwarding the email to their friends and make you even more money. Some other publishers will start adding your article to their blogs and generate even more website traffic for your website that you are marketing. The more targeted website traffic the more money you will start making.
Page Rank
The basis of Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) today is based on PageRank and website traffic. Granted that you know how you get added website traffic with article marketing, we now turn to SEO. The major search engines today looks at the number of inbound links from targeted website pointing to your website. This means that if you have a cooking website, the more links to your website from cooking websites the better. Article marketing works in the same way as if your business is on health for instance and you write health articles, your publishers are going to be health websites and your PageRank due to the number of inbound links pointing at your website will increase. Your search engine rankings will also start climbing and you will start getting more targeted website traffic and make more money.
Writing your own articles and publishing them can be free as compared to paying for Pay Per Click Advertising and the more articles you write the more well known you will be and the more targeted website traffic you will get. Why spend hundreds each month on Pay Per Click advertising when you can start getting website traffic for almost free by writing articles on topics relevant to your particular internet business. But that said, time is what you will be spending so if you want the easy way out, get someone to ghost write an article for you. You can get it for $5 per article or less at websites like or
In conclusion, this article highlights four reasons why Article Marketing is a good way to consider especially if you are on a tight budget and its ability to send your website continuous targeted website traffic is something that you should consider carefully if you want to use this method of online promotion.


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