Network Marketing – Before Starting – Evaluate
There are some serious problems facing “would-be representatives” of network marketing companies. The problems consist of an old-age idea that joining anything under 5 years old is a recipe for disaster. So here”s the catch22 situation;
If no-one joined any network marketing company under 5 years old, how does a business become 5 years old to start with?
Evaluation of a business depends upon a number of factors;
1). The personal ability and experience of the CEO himself/herself.
2). The visibility and ease of contact to that CEO when you have questions.
3). Are the products and/or services something that people want and will buy?
4). Is there exceptional value for money offered in comparison to the competition?
5). How much competition is already in that chosen marketplace for similar products?
Those are the most important aspects of consideration, not amount of time that a networking business has remained stable. In most businesses, the start-up phase is where the real money is made. The business is hot, the sizzle is starting and the prospects are keen. However, never abuse those factors because it”s your credibility that will ultimately suffer, if things go wrong.
It is up to the individual to do their “due-diligence” on anything they join but if you have done yours diligently, then the related experience goes a long way.
On a personal note, I have joined just two businesses in 5 years. That is how stringent my pre-qualifications are. Yes, I”ve received thousands of “great ideas” and “monster earners” over the years… but just as quickly dismissed them.
Because they did not meet the standards and criteria that are listed above.
If the CEO can”t be bothered to communicate with you, why should you devote your time and effort in supporting his/her Network Marketing company?
If you can go to a local drug-store and buy a similar product for less than half the price, then others are going to do the same. If a product is just an overpriced excuse for starting a business, then in reality it isn”t a business, it”s a scheme.
There are over 35 million people who have expressed a strong interest in starting businesses, getting involved in network marketing, or creating revenue from home. There”s a huge boom in network marketing business start-ups.
Our “baby boomer generation” is creating hundreds of thousands of early retirees eager for something interesting to do. There are millions of customers waiting for us!
Let”s give these people something of value and support those Network Marketing companies who have unique products and services that people want and need and are cost-effective. The whole of the Network Marketing Industry will benefit. In turn, so will you.


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