For example, it may not make sense or be necessary to market consistently all year long. Are their times when your particular industry is slow and customers are not likely to purchase? Conversely, are their times during the year when customers are more likely to be in the market for your product or service?
Schedule your marketing activities to take advantage of these peak times and to avoid what I call the “valleys” (when no one is in the market for what you are selling). Aim to persuade as many people as possible to buy from you when they are in the buying mood.
Ever notice how health clubs market heavily in January and in the spring? They know people are more likely to be focused on getting in shape at the beginning of a new year, and before summer and swimsuit season arrive. So they spend more marketing dollars and focus their promotional efforts during these times of year and they maintain a lower profile the rest of the year.
Ask yourself these questions: What “seasonality” exists in my business? How can I schedule my marketing to take advantage?
2005 Debbie LaChusa


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