Is Internet Marketing Saturated?
By Jerry Lunsford
Is internet marketing and the potential for it saturated? I have wondered this many times but pure logic wins me over. It has at many times caused me to give up on an idea or marketing plan based on the belief that there were so many other people doing it my offer would never be considered. But after reading the following article you can get an idea that the internet is like a new city that crops up everyday, under a new sun, with all kinds of possibilities before you. You just need to see them and then take the reins and hold on.
This is how I view internet marketing.
Somebody owns a large plot of land. They put out an ad that welcomes 100,000 people to come build a home and a business on this land all for free. The first thing everyone needs is a place to live. So they must first build a home. “But how do we build a home without lumber?” They ask. Many of the people having the spirit of an entrepreneur see an opportunity to make money ,so 1,000 of these 100,000 people open up a lumber company. And all 1,000 of these people end up making a good profit. “That”s great, but how are we going to build our homes without the tools and hardware?” they asked. So 1,000 more people open up a hardware store. And all 1,000 of these people end up making a good profit.
“I don”t know how to build a house!” many of them said. So 1,000 people offer to build their house for them and another 1,000 write books on how to build a house. And all 2,000 of these people end up making good profits. “How can we continue to work when we have noting to eat?” They all asked. So 1,000 people open up restaurants, another 1,000 open up catering services, and another thousand open up grocery stores. And all 3,000 end up making good profits. “How am I going to see my friends on the other side of town. It”s to far to walk!” They whined. So 1,000 people open up automoble manufacturing plants and each employs 10 people to work for them. All 1,000 plants end up making good profits.
As more house”s are completed lumber becomes less in demand, so 995 lumber yards go out of business leaving those 5 with the best marketing strategy. Because everyone has all the tools and hardware they need 995 hardware stores go out of business leaving those 5 with the best marketing plan. Because people can cook and grow their own food, 995 each of the restaurants, catering businesses, and grocery stores go out of business leaving those 15 businesses with the best marketing plan. And because everyone has a car and/or has found alternate means of transportation 999 auto plants go out of business leaving the 1 with the best marketing plan.
As time goes on all 100,000 people are having their needs met by different businesses which eventually level out the market so their is a healthy competition between all the existing businesses. But there is no need for any more businesses because the market is saturated. That is until 100,000 new people come to town. Then the cycle repeats itself.
The point of the story is this. All towns and cities started out like this with a surplus of goods and services. When a particular service or product was no longer in high demand only the businesses with the best plans survived. Only when the population of the city went up did someone consider opening up another business to meet the need of those people. But even though there was enough businesses to meet the needs of the people, many businesses and people wanted to find out ways to do things smarter, cheaper, faster. So opens up a whole new area of enterprise. And just like a new city the process starts over.
Internet marketing is similar to this. When it started to catch on many saw the opportunity to make money. Some offered tools to make websites while others offered to make a website for those unable. Some offered avenues to market that website, others will market it for you, while others write books to teach you how to do it yourself. There is though one big difference. There is still a large number of people who don”t own computers, while many of the ones who do are still unaware of internet marketing.
Every hour of the day people are coming of age. Every hour of the day people who never looked before are looking for ways to earn more money, have a business of their own, find new products or information that aren”t offered in retail stores. Think of the internet as a new city that has 100,000 people everyday entering in looking for something. Some will buy a product or use a service. Some will set up a business of their own. Some will give up their business only to come back to try something else. So, is internet marketing saturated? No way. The future of internet marketing looks better than ever.


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