How would you feel if you got your ass kicked by a frog?
Because that”s what happened to the new Coldplay CD that
just came out over in the UK this week — it was
immediately handed its first setback — by a frog.
Seems that neither 2 years of pent-up demand from fans nor
several million dollars worth of promotion by Parlophone
records (in the UK) or Capitol EMI (here in the U.S.) could
save X & Y (the new Coldplay CD) from being knocked off
the top of the charts… by a mobile phone ringtone.
According to, “A ringtone made its way to
the top of the British singles chart this Sunday, topping
Brit-rock group Coldplay. Ringtone Crazy Frog Axel F
outsold Coldplay”s Speed of Sound 4-1, making for a
disapointing opening weekend for the popular band.
Crazy Frog Axel F is based off the revving sound of a
Swedish mo-ped. It marks the first time a ringtone made it
to the singles chart for conventional music sales.
Interestingly enough, most of the ringtone”s sales have
come from a CD, not from digital download.”
“This song is incredibly irritating and puerile and we”re
still trying to understand why people like it, said
Gennaro Castaldo, a spokesman for (British retailer) HMV.
This just goes to show you, you must sell to wants” and
not to “expected wants” or “needs” if you want to come out
And remember this: You can”t “create” demand. It”s already
out there, all around you — and believe me, there”s
plenty of it.
All you can do is tap into it, and then use your sales copy
to “build” this already existing demand, into a hot sweaty
So hop to it.
Now go sell something,
Craig Garber
P.S. Check out all the prior archives you”ve been
missing, right here at:


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