Remember high school?
I still shudder when I think about it. We all want to fit in. I know I did. If I could just fit in, maybe I could be popular too.
Now that I”m an adult, being different is more important. The reason why is that by being different, by being me, it has helped to improve my business.
You can use it to improve yours too.
It doesn”t matter if you sell affiliate programs, MLM, or even your own product, how you will benefit is that by being different, you are offering your potential customers something no one else is offering.
This is especially true with affiliate programs and MLM programs.
How can you be different from thousands of others who may be promoting the same program you are?
A few tips:
1. Write articles about your industry, resources that relate to the product or service you are selling, and tips about how to use your product or service.
This is probably the most overlooked way to market affiliate programs and MLM. By providing valuable content, you are offering your readers something new, something different, that makes your product or service more valuable than others selling the same product or service.
2. Build a website and buy a domain.
This will really help you because not only can you offer your primary product, affiliate program, or MLM, but you can also write reviews about other products or services that compare, as well as complement your current offering.
This is another way of building content and getting buyers to trust you, as well as diversifying your streams of income.
Having your own website can also help you with the search engines.
3. Write a free report to get subscribers.
Offer potential visitors a free report. Again, you can do the same with this report that you do with articles: write about your industry, tips about your product, etc.
Give away your report in exchange for the subscriber”s email and name. This allows you to build your own list so that you can recycle your traffic.
What makes the internet so much different from traditional offline advertising is that buyers are looking for information. Traditional advertising doesn”t provide the information the buyer needs.
By offering your potential buyers real information, you can build your business and increase your profits online.


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