Better Web Site ROI
How to increase your business profitability by hundreds of
Websites are ubiquitous these days and everybody is trying to
get a better
web site ROI. With millions upon millions of sites all trying to
appeal to the same traffic, what can you do to improve your web
site ROI?
What”s In A Name
You can use Google Adwords to very quickly and cost effectively
improve your business profitability
by a significant amount – hundreds possibly thousands of
percent. It all depends on where your site is starting
Great question, you get a mere 4 lines of text to
play with in Adwords so every single line counts. Even more than
that every single letter counts (even the Capitalisation of
letters will make a difference to your click through rates
believe it or not).
But what”s in a name?
Your name in your ad is of course your URL. When crafting an ad,
most people spend a
lot of time concentrating on the headline (well worth doing as
it is the most important part arguably) and on the ad text (also
a good thing but not as important as you”d think).
After the headline, the next thing that prospects eyes are drawn
Yes you”ve guessed it – your name – your URL!
But what can I do with my URL I hear you say?
Just because you have 1 domain name doesn”t mean you need to use
it. There is nothing in
Google”s T&C”s that prohibits you from using a different display
URL to that of your destination URL (although you will have to
own the display URL and it must resolve to a pertinent page –
i.e. If you”re advertising pet food, it must be about pet food
and not resolve to for example.
Hundreds of percent more profitable…
There is nothing stopping you using as many domain names as it
takes to give you a better web site
We have conducted tests outlined above with some of our
clients. Results have ranged from 46% through to 76% more
profitable domain names.
These results are applicable to your
bottom line profitability – remember 76% more traffic will
result in a like for like increase in bottom line profits and
your results are equally applicable on and offline, whatever
grabs attention online giving you a better web site ROI will do
likewise in offline advertising media.
We have also seen a 113% improvement on one of our tests (with a
small sample) but we
stopped the test early because our results were statistically
significant and waiting for a larger sample was a moot point –
we knew we had a winner.
Pop Quiz
One of my clients Jonathan Stanley has graciously allowed me to
show you the results of our
tests with him. Consider the following adverts and their display
Which of the above domain names was the winner and which do you
think was the loser?
Well, the results are as follows from worst to last: 9 clicks 17 clicks 18 clicks 21 clicks 37 clicks
Who would have thought it? I certainly wouldn”t but then that”s
the point you will never know until you test.
My thanks to Jonathan Stanley once again at for allowing me the use of this
And what else can you do with your text?
And even if you want to use your existing domain there”s plenty
you can still do – remember CAPITALISATION?
And then there is subdomains or even appended directory names.
All it takes is a little creativity and you”ll find a much
better web site ROI!


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