How To Easily Make A Fortune From “Niche” Markets!
By Bryan Kumar
I knew this day would come…
…the day when most of the “how-to marketing” crowd would be forced to find other niches in order to survive.
Those who saw the signs early on and were smart enough to find their own niches, went on to create small fortunes in the process – usually with just a single product.
And now it”s your turn…to stake your claim, to grab your share of the online fortune…
If you knew today that you could easily find your own niche with very little competition, make a lot of money selling to it, and maybe even become the leader of that niche, would you do it?
I hope you said “yes” because that”s what this report is about…
Niche marketing is not a new concept. It”s been around for almost forever. Those who picked the right niches and ran with it have done very well.
Most new comers to the marketing scene make a big mistake…they tend to start by selling “how-to market” products simply because they see everyone else doing it. And while there still is money to be made in the “how-to market” area, it”s not nearly as easy as it was just a few years ago. These days, the competition is fierce and growing fast!
If you are just starting out, or even if you have been trying to sell marketing-related products for a while, you will find that it is much easier to achieve success promoting products in other “special-interest” categories.
And, even if you are doing well with marketing-related products right now, I”d still advice you to find other hot untapped niches and work on building that right away.
Instead of struggling to sell to a market that”s highly competitive, why not pick hot niches that have little competition, and rule those niches! Can you imagine the income potential hidden within those untapped niche markets?
Finding Your Niche
When trying to figure out which niche to go after, the questions you want to ask yourself are…
What do I love to do the most? What am I most passionate about in life?
What subjects do I have strong emotional feeling towards?
What am I naturally good at or have an instinct for? (Provided it”s something you enjoy doing!)
If I were to wake up in the morning and choose to do one thing, what would that be?
What would express my creative intention and bring out the best in me while doing it?
How can I benefit myself and others if I were to express my creative intention?
To some, the answers may come very easily. And for some of us, it may require a little bit of soul-searching and self-discovery to get there.
If you”re having a hard time finding the answers, just get your mind going in that general direction by pondering on the above questions, especially before you go to bed at night (and until you fall asleep.) The power of focus is such that it will get your mind working in the background (while you”re sleeping) to bring the answers to you.
For now, you can simply start by asking…
“What are my favorite hobbies, interests, activities, etc.”
“What are some things I don”t know yet but have a burning desire to learn more about?”
Start a list and add all your favorites to it.
Turning Problems into Opportunities
Realize that it”s not just your passions, hobbies, and interests you should be taking note of. Also take a closer look at your biggest problems and challenges.
You see, life has an interesting way of trying to put us onto the right path…if we would only stop and pay attention. Often times, the major problems and challenges in our lives arise only to direct us, to nudge us towards the right path, the path that we”re supposed to be traveling on. Yet many of us get so wrapped up in the problem itself that we”re constantly fighting and pushing away while never being able to see what it”s trying to tell us.
Many of your greatest pains and challenges are simply opportunities in disguise.
Some of our greatest inventions came out of problems and challenges the inventors were having in their lives. They decided to focus on the solution instead of giving all their energy and thought to the problem.
During the great depression, while most people were suffering and going through tough times, others found ways to “solve problems” and then helped others cope with those problems. They became very rich in the process.
You can do the same today.
Start looking for the answers and solutions to those major problems/challenges in your life. If no one else has yet provided an effective solution to the problem, you may just be the person to do it.
Problems are everywhere you look, on every corner you turn. Just look around you. People are miserable, they”re irritable, they”re mad!
Often times, one of the problems you”re having in your life is also something that many others are having as well. Find the solution to it and become the expert that everyone else will look to for answers.
The best way to become rich is to create value in others” lives. Start with your own problems and find ways to make others” lives easier. Open their eyes to what”s really going on around them, offer solutions to their problems. In return, they will reward you with money!
The Most Popular Subjects
If you”re still having a hard time trying to figure out which niche market to go into, continue to do the “focusing” exercise given earlier, and then, take a look at this…
Here”s a list of some of the most popular subjects people are paying for…
Dating, Seduction, Sex Advice, Relationships
Losing weight, gaining muscle, looking more attractive
Health & fitness, cures/reliefs from specific diseases & ailments
Spying, online privacy and security
Safety, personal security, and protection of self and loved ones (self defense, home security, scam prevention, etc.)
How to use computers and the Internet
Mental influence, persuasion, and dominance
General self-help, self improvement, personal development, and success
Hobbies and special interests: cooking, magic, UFO”s, metaphysics, becoming more competitive in sports, activities, etc.
Making money, aside from marketing information: investing, stock market, futures trading, real estate tips, and other related financial information
And of course, having more control and freedom in their lives!
People are always looking to improve themselves or some area of their lives. They are always trying to find solutions to problems.
There are sites catering to some of the above categories that are already generating thousands of dollars every month. I have personally sold products on some of the above categories and done very well.
Yet, we haven”t even begun to tap the true profit potential in these areas yet because there”s very little competition in most of these areas, especially when compared to the “how-to marketing” area! The potential to make money from the above special-interest categories is huge – and it”s wide open!
Moreover, as more and more people get accustomed to buying digital products, you can easily imagine making insane amounts of money through these topics well into the future.
You could pick any one of the above subjects that you personally have an interest in and run with it.
In fact, there”s no law stating that you have to pick just one subject! If you”re interested in more than one of the above subjects, you can offer products in several categories.
Oh, by the way, you don”t have to stick to the same niche all your life either. If you decide later on that you want to shift your focus towards something else that you”re a lot more interested in, you can easily do so!
Remember that you”re never stuck! Just as you”re not stuck in the “marketing” products area right now. You have the power of choice! You can do what makes you happy! Isn”t that how life should be?
While I”ve given you a very useful list of categories above to pick from, remember that the secret to niche marketing success starts with picking something you are personally interested in or curious about!
You can always do some research and find out if you can make money from the subject you chose. (Just go to or to find out how popular your subject is.) But you have to start by picking what you are interested in.
Creating Your Product
I am always telling people to get into the online “information selling” business. It offers the highest profit margins and the least amount of production work. Even if you have a business that deals with tangible products or a service, you can still create a short informational report on the subject and spread it out to a lot of people very quickly.
Your main goal is to get your informational product out there fast and to as many people as possible.
The best way to do this is to offer a short, low-cost front-end informational product.
It is much easier to get someone to buy a product that”s under $20 verses a product that”s over $50, especially if that person has never done business with you before.
In other words, get them to take a small step to start with (i.e. purchasing a lowcost product.) Then, continue to get them to take bigger and bigger steps towards the desired outcome. Once you start building a customer base, you can sell whatever related product to them that you want, including products that are much larger and have much higher price tags.
So…after you have decided on a subject, use your existing knowledge bank or read up on the subject…and start creating your product!
If you don”t know how to put the book together or which sections/chapters to include, just go to the library and look at some books on the subject. You can also look for existing reports and articles online on the subject to get some ideas.
Getting Your Product Out There
When your product is ready, create a one page sales letter highlighting the juiciest benefits of the product. Get a domain name and get a webhost to host your site. (I use this site:
They also offer an opportunity to get your site hosted for fr.e.e!)
Next, as more and more people get accustomed to buying digital products, you can easily imagine making insane amounts of money through these topics well into the future.
You could pick any one of the above subjects that you personally have an interest in and run with it.
In fact, there”s no law stating that you have to pick just one subject! If you”re interested in more than one of the above subjects, you can offer products in several categories.
Oh, by the way, you don”t have to stick to the same niche all your life either. If you decide later on that you want to shift your focus towards something else that you”re a lot more interested in, you can easily do so!
Remember that you”re never stuck! Just as you”re not stuck in the “marketing” products area right now. You have the power of choice! You can do what makes you happy! Isn”t that how life should be?
While I”ve given you a very useful list of categories above to pick from, remember that the secret to niche marketing success starts with picking something you are personally interested in or curious about!
You can always do some research and find out if you can make money from the subject you chose. (Just go to or to find out how popular your subject is.) But you have to start by picking what you are interested in.
Creating Your Product
I am always telling people to get into the online “information selling” business. It offers the highest profit margins and the least amount of production work. Even if you have a business that deals with tangible products or a service, you can still create a short informational report on the subject and spread it out to a lot of people very quickly.
Your main goal is to get your informational product out there fast and to as many people as possible.
The best way to do this is to offer a short, low-cost front-end informational product.
It is much easier to get someone to buy a product that”s under $20 verses a product that”s over $50, especially if that person has never done business with you before.
In other words, get them to take a small step to start with (i.e. purchasing a lowcost product.) Then, continue to get them to take bigger and bigger steps towards the desired outcome. Once you start building a customer base, you can sell whatever related product to them that you want, including products that are much larger and have much higher price tags.
So…after you have decided on a subject, use your existing knowledge bank or read up on the subject…and start creating your product!
If you don”t know how to put the book together or which sections/chapters to include, just go to the library and look at some books on the subject. You can also look for existing reports and articles online on the subject to get some ideas.
Getting Your Product Out There
When your product is ready, create a one page sales letter highlighting the juiciest benefits of the product. Get a domain name and get a webhost to host your site. (I use this site:
They also offer an opportunity to get your site hosted for fr.e.e!)
Next, get set up to accept credit cards! This is very important. (I use clickbank
to process my credit card and online check orders.)
Then, test the sales letter cheaply (without spending too much and then start a massive marketing assault!
Use the best, most effective, and most high-leverage techniques available to you, and don”t hold back!
You could run a massive publicity assault and become the king of your niche in a very short period of time!
Pick up the phone and start calling every radio station and newspaper publisher in your area. Radio stations especially are always looking to fill up time with guest speakers. You can be the “expert” they”re looking for to talk to, about your favorite subject! It”s an easy way to reach thousands of potential customers.
You can find other business owners in related markets (not directly in competition with you) and form joint ventures with them. Offer them a good percentage of the profits in exchange for them endorsing your product to their existing customers.
Remember…those who take action get to enjoy the results. Those who don”t want to take action will make all kinds of excuses to justify their inaction…”The product already exists” or “There”s too much competition” etc.
The doer simply gets on the phone, calls radio stations, strikes up deals with other marketers and never looks back!
Speed Up the Process!
Creating a short informational product is not difficult. You can create one in under a month – sometimes within a week! The website design, graphics, and sales page can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete.
You can usually have everything done within a few weeks.
However…to really speed up the process, just find an existing quality product and purchase the resell rights to it. The resell rights usually come packaged with the appropriate web site graphics and sales page. This can save you a lot of time and have you making money immediately, since a lot of the work is done for you.
All you have to do is put the files up on your site and start your marketing assault.
You can also create your own products in the background while you”re making money with the reseller product, so you don”t waste any time.
My “special-interest” site at is designed to do just that.
The reason these products sell so well is because they appeal to people”s sense of “curiosity” – human beings are curious creatures. And they love “secrets!” My entire site is built around that theme. It offers them “secrets” along with solutions!
You can take any of these products (or several of them) and be just as successful. In fact, you can be much more successful with them since I don”t push them nearly as hard as I could.
Final Thoughts…
Well, there you have it…a simple yet powerful plan to pick a niche and turn it into your own personal fortune. As you can see, it really isn”t rocket science at all.
Now it”s all up to you. How would you like to profit from this easy-to-plug-into system
Any one of these products could create profits for you well into the future.
However, you are not limited to selling just one of them. In fact, you can offer several of them, as a package. I”ve done that very successfully in the past. Or you can offer them as front-end products while you create your own hot products to offer as back-ends!
Your choices are only limited to your own imagination.
And, no…I”m not the least bit worried that you”ll become my biggest competition. It”s like I mentioned earlier…there is plenty of room to grow in these niches. We haven”t even begun to scratch the surface yet! Go check the site out now…
I wish you all the best with your newfounds!
To your success,
Bryan Kumar
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