One of the reason why the concept of free stuff online works really well has a lot to do with the nature of the internet where people go online to find free information and share music online. Many good internet marketers have learnt that offering free things to their website visitors can help make them more money online and this article highlights three simple strategies that successful internet marketers have used.
Free Ebooks
Giving away a free ebook to visitors to your website can help establish you as an expert and help you increase the number of subscribers to your newsletters. Ebook software today allows the creator of the ebook to get the email address and name of the person reading the ebook and build his mailing list.
Another way people use these free ebooks is to embed their affiliate links and product links into them so that readers of the ebooks will click on them and thus get more website traffic to their websites and make money when these get converted into sales. Other ebooks writers today allow readers to access the first three chapters free so as to whet their appetite and then make the reader pay for the rest of the information.
Free services
Most people are quite unaware of this business model online. Add lots of resources to your website and let it become an advertising portal where other advertisers pay to place ads on your website. Simple things that you can provide for your website visitors can go a long way in getting them to come back. For instance, adding rss feeds related to the content of the website also increases the chances of people returning to your website.
Another way that most people are doing today is starting online forums and allowing people to join them for free. By helping others, you get paid from contextual advertising on your website.
Free information and pre-selling
This concept amount internet marketers was first made popular in a large way when Ken Evoy started talking about pre-selling in the area of affiliate marketing. The idea behind this concept is simple. Simple focus on a keyword rich niche and just give your website visitors information on the niche without any trace of sales copy and embed your affiliate links in the webpage. You make money from visitors that purchase from your merchants from your links.
In conclusion, the concept of the free offer is here to stay on the internet and internet marketers have used it to great success. Learn from them and use these strategies to increase your online profits today!


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