Yesterday, we took a look at how television has influenced
American behavior, and the importance of giving your
viewers, or in this case, your prospects… a “break”
every once in a while when they”re reading your sales
So, without any further ado, here is part one of “5 Ways To
Give Your Prospects A Much-Needed Break!”
1. Make sure you”re using sub-headlines throughout your sales
You see, using a sub-headline does three things:
First, it gives your prospects some much-needed eye-relief in
breaking up long-form text.
Let”s face it: even when you”re reading something you
enjoy, if you”re reading for a long period of time,
sometimes your eyes get tired.
Strategically placed sub-headlines give your eyes a bit of
a “break” — I call it “eye-relief”.
Second, some people won”t read through your entire sales
pitch, at least not right away. These folks will skim
through your letter (or your web page picking up little
glimpses of text here-and-there.
Sub-headlines make sure you”re picking up these types of
readers as customers or clients, as well as the detailed
readers, who will go line-by-line.
And lastly, sub-heads keep things entertaining and help you
emphasize certain points you need to make.
For instance, what if I told you that…
Starting Today… You Will Become Filthy Rich!
See, that”s the kind of sub-head you want to use.
Whenever you”re using sub-headlines, you want to make them in
bold text… centered in the middle of your page
horizontally… and you may even want to use a different
type of text for them.
I use Arial Black… or Courier 10 BT… and Georgia… just
to name a few.
Tomorrow, we”ll continue talking about what else you should be
doing to give your prospects a “break” to keep them reading
and moving along down your sales letter, with as little
resistance as possible.
Now go sell something,
Craig Garber
P.S. Check out all the prior archives you”ve been
missing, right here at:
P.P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from this
tip, then do the right thing and forward this
tip on to them, right NOW!


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