Well if all men knew the things to say to make women laugh, this world would then be called Utopia :-). The birds would be singing once again, the sun would be shining, and if my wife knew what I was writing right now in this article, she would probably slap me on the back of my head, so on a serious note, let’s get serious :-).
What to Say ? I think the question is not so much as what to say to women, but rather, how you say it, and the actions you use when saying it. Now, things are not only as simple as that. This is not an exact science, after all, all women are different, which is the exact opposite of men, where apparently, all men are the same, according to some women :-).
By the way, that should have made you laugh. It”s ok men, you can all laugh too!
Things that I have noticed that make women laugh. Well, let me clarify on that again, it”s not what you say that makes women laugh, but how you say it, when you say it, in what manner you say it, and the list goes on and on, so instead, I will try to give you an example.
Johnny, who thinks he has a “special way with women”, will approach his opposite sex and use a special planned routine that he calls “Johnny’s full prove plan on how to get layed”. Putting on his full proof “Women magnet smile”, he will slowly walk up to her and then finally when face to face with her, might pull out some line or joke that he thinks is funny, and then, laugh at what he just said just to show how funny it was. well – She never thought he was funny.
Now Mike on the other side of the room is a little nervous. Mike is obviously not used to crowds. Especially when there are so many beautiful women around. Mike gets clumsy. He becomes accident prone. His words get all jumbled up. He sees a woman looking at him from the other side of the room. She is smiling at him. “Wow, what now?” he thinks. Nervously, he raises his hand to wave to her. At this point in time, a waiter walks past him holding up a tray filled with wine glasses full of wine. Mike smacks his hand into the tray. The tray falls to the ground, the glasses of wine shatter into tiny pieces. Wine gets sprayed everywhere. The women on the other side that was smiling to Mike has now got one of her hands in front of her mouth, and is giggling. Mike looks back at her and is sheepishly laughing back, while shrugging his shoulders. The women moves towards him, and, well, you know the rest :-).
By Paul Ghossain


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