(ARA) – While most homeowners have nightmares about natural disasters such as tornados, hurricanes and hail damaging their house, it tends to be the more mundane occurrences like undetected leaks and burst pipes that are the most common cause of water damage to personal property.
“On average, almost three-fourths of our home water-loss claims each year are caused by an appliance people use every day, such as a washing machine, water heater or refrigerator,” says Georgie Anderson, Safeco claims adjuster. “I vividly remember a recent incident where the homeowner put a load of laundry in her new front-loading washing machine and then left for a soccer tournament. When she returned hours later, she discovered that although the door had popped open mid-cycle, the washing machine had continued to run all day, spouting untold gallons of water into the laundry room and surrounding area.”
The good news is that taking a few easy steps now can prevent a lot of trouble and expense later. Anderson points out that many common water problems are easily avoidable with simple maintenance. “Spending just $10 on a new hose for the washing machine can prevent thousands of dollars in property damage.”
Homeowners who experience water damage might be surprised to find out how expensive ignoring routine maintenance can be. Some find their insurance doesn’t cover the damage and they’re left with the bill. “Most policies don’t cover damage caused by poor maintenance or neglect,” says Jim Arciere, vice president of Safeco Claims. Even with a covered loss, the homeowner still needs to pay the policy’s deductible and deal with the hassle of cleanup and repair.
To help homeowners pinpoint possible problem areas in their homes, Safeco is launching an interactive, Web-based guide to water damage prevention that outlines easy steps that can help avoid costly water losses and repairs. The “Drip” site, found at www.safeco.com/drip, includes a room-by-room house tour highlighting potential trouble spots. The site also provides other important information, such as steps to take in the event of a water emergency; tips for deciding which repairs are do-it-yourself and which should be left to a professional; and a review of water damage that insurance typically does and does not cover.
Here are a few tips from “Preventing Water Damage in Your Home:”
* Regularly look for wear, cracks and bulges in washing machines hoses; replace rubber hoses with reinforced steel-braided hoses.
* Repair failed seals and cracked tiles or grout on bathtub and shower stalls.
* Check roof on a regular basis, especially after a storm; replace worn, curled or missing shingles.
* Check for leaks in icemaker supply line and replace immediately.
* When leaving home for an extended period of time, don’t leave any water-using appliances running and consider turning off their water supply.
For more useful tips on how to keep your home safe from water damage, visit www.safeco.com/drip.
Courtesy of ARA Content

EDITOR’S NOTE: Safeco, in business since 1923, is a Fortune 500 company that sells auto, home, life and small-business insurance and investment products through independent agents, brokers and financial advisors nationwide. The company’s mission is to make the experience of buying, selling and owning insurance easier than anyone else. More information about Safeco can be found at www.safeco.com.


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