Apparently, green is the important colour for interiors this year. Green symbolises nature and psychologically it calms us, as does blue.
It”s all about tranquil living, and as my photographs are often described as such, it got me thinking about the time I had a Feng Shui Consultation, and the consultant recommended that I used my own framed photographic prints as Feng Shui “Cures”. So I did! Having now moved in my new studio I have been thinking more and more about Feng Shui – the study of how to arrange your space to enhance your life once again.
It is possible for a print or photograph to move us, to have an emotional impact, to stir our senses. In Feng Shui art serves many purposes – it can bring positive energy to a blocked entry, enliven a dead space, add the colour needed to balance energy and generally makes us feel better.
When we love the piece of art we are looking at, is when it is an effective Feng Shui cure – art can change the energy in any space. If you are living with a piece of art that doesn”t appeal to you, then it will have the opposite effect. It may be a piece of art you bought when you were at a different stage of your life, and now you have moved on. Or it may represent the opposite of your goals.
Over time I confess I”ve tried most of the enhancements or cures, for example placed crystals, wind chimes & plants in certain locations. As well as using my own prints, I”ve decluttered, practised affirmations and generally cleared my space to encourage energy to flow.
Feng shui has undoubtedly inspired some of my compositions, even though I only have a general understanding of it. I compose and shoot in weather conditions which for me results in an image which I have seen, but which an untrained eye may have looked at, but not seen.
I often have movement in my pictures for example, which is a result of a long exposure time rather than fiddling on the computer. I often shoot at first light, for the clear light and wonderful colours – perhaps that”s why my photographs are regarded as relaxing and tranquil, because that”s typically how I feel at that time of the day.
Feng shui, in Chinese, literally translates to “wind water”. Wind, the unseen force of natures – your inner world of thoughts and feelings. Water, a visible force of nature – represents your outer world. The relationship between the two is key.
Feng Shui observes your environment and is talking to you all the time, although sometimes we are blind to our surroundings and to what it is telling our subconscious mind, and then we find what we don”t want or need manifesting in our lives.
There are many ways to enhance your environment and inspirational art featuring water and moods is just one.
How a piece of art makes you feel is one thing – if the feeling is good then the Feng Shui should be good as a result. However it also works on other levels too – for example if the photograph is predominately one colour, then it will emanate the element associated with that colour.
There are five elements; water (black & dark colours wood (greens & blues metal (white & pastels fire (reds) & earth (yellows & earth tones) if one element dominates you then it”s not good – balance is essential.
When you review the contents of your living space you have to consider things that are made out of the elements themselves, plus the colours associated with each element, as well as what your artwork is portraying – such as “watery” seascape and then figure out what is hardly represented or dominating your living space before you can even think about where things are placed in the room.
It isn”t about a one off tidy up, get rid of everything you don”t need anymore approach. To be effective it needs to be an intentional, ongoing observation and enhancement of your surroundings.
It is sometimes spooky just how the problems & challenges that we face in life can correlate with the way our homes are laid out. And this actually applies as much to your inner world – your attitude and character, as it does your outer environment.


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