I want to share my experiences so hopefully it will help to inspire you as well as others (me included).

To be truthful, I really think we all fail at first and the
funny thing is the bigger your dreams are and the more you want
the farther you’ll fall. It makes perfect sense if you think
about it. If you want to make millions of dollars by next year
your going to be much more willing to spend thousands of dollars
now to make that happen than if you only wanted to make a couple
thousand extra dollars by next year.


Because if you say to yourself with blunt determination that
you want millions by next year
then your more likely going to do whatever it takes to
achieve taht goal. If it means spending thousand
for a program that promises to make you rich your willing to
do it because your stakes are so high.

Conversely, if your only want to make a couple extra
thousand dollars a year your going to much more
conservative as to how you spend your money for profit.

This doesn’t just apply to how much your willing to spend in
one shot deals, but this also applies to how
many times you’ll willing to put yourself on the line to
achieve your goals.

If you don’t want that much and the process your going through
to get it starts to be a hassle you’ll give up. That simple.
But if you have a do or die attitude about making a whole
lot of money you won’t give up so easy and you’ll
put yourself on the line many more times and at a much
greater risk.

So just a short percursor to my thoughts. . .

So here’s my short story. I’m a young guy, I’m 24, and ever
since I started working full time I’ve had the
feeling that the normal working world wasn’t for me. I’ve
dreamed of much more for myself. I have a good job that
I like, but for some reason I have never really been able to
get comfortable with it if you know what I mean.

So, I started to think… “how can I get out off all this”.
The wheels turned in my mind and the first thing
that came to me was real estate. “Lot’s of people get rich
buying and selling house” I thought. So I decided
I’d give it a try. To save you the specifics I now own an
apartment building and a 4 bedroom house, and both are
major headaches in my life. In fact, I had to go to eviction
court today to remove a deadbeat tennant.

But real estate is a means to my end of financial freedom
and getting out of the 9 to 5. (in fact if I ever get my act
together I should try to put an ebook together about my real
estate experiences)

At some point while I saving cash to buy my first piece of real
estate I got hit by the affiliate marketing bug.

I went to a conference and learned that anyone could make a
few buck by getting someone to buy through a link online and
fgurther some people doing this were making millions and I
was sold. I spent much on learning all I could about marketing
online. I think my first eBook was Google Cash!

Next I was hit by the network marketing bug.
I wanted that “leveraged income” taht everyone talks about so
I spent about six months cold calling people and having them
say no to me over and over again while spending $500 a month
on credit to get leads and making no money.

After six monthst of time I, like and any sane human, got
sick of hearing no and having people hang up the phone in my face.

I learned calling people for network marketing didn’t work for
me. But, I decided that I still wanted to make network
marketing work but I had to find a way to do it where I
didn’t have to get hung up on all the time.

Poof! I came acrosss Site Build It, specifically the network
marketing sales page, it seemed to be the exact answer
that I was looking for. So, I promptly bought a Site Build
It web site and began a site I call “Perfect Home Based Business
Opportunities” despite the competition issue.

In six months I wrote over 400 keyword focused pages and 85 articles
and started more linking campaigns than I can count. I now have a site
that get roughly 100 visitors a day.

I got discouraged by it for about a month, but then I decided that’s
what a normal person would do, and further that’s why normal people
go to work every day and do jobs that they hate. I decided I couldn’t
live this sort of life of silent failures, so . . .

I found a inspiration for my site and I’m off again. My site
was built with network marketing in mind, but I had not found a
program that I really and truly wanted to promote, so I felt
lost. Until, I was in a forum, just like
this one here and I found what I consider , after a great
deal of study to be a phenomenal network marketing program
to backend my site – pleas don’t take this as any sort of
advertisement, but rather a view into the human psychi. and I made
a few $20 commisions within my first day!

Ahh . . . Sweet success.

I was ready to give up on my site and move on, but then that
small change happened and now I’m up and rolling again.
Reinvigorated and ready to conquer the world with the same
vision that I had started out online with.

During this entire ordeal I’ve amassed a debt of over
$500,000 so far (most of it is in mortgage loans, but a good
$20,000 has gone into trying to start a profitable online business).
Please remember I’m only 24 so I don’t make that much
cash to begin with.

My only point is I won’t give up and neither should you.
Dream big and you will most likely fail big at first, but if
you never loose sight of you vision you cannot fail in the long

That’s my story for today. Let me know what you think. . .

I hope this was a helpful inspiration to you who are still stuggling.


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