The body automatically functions, and we automatically take it for granted! We expect our body to keep going and not complain, however much we abuse it. But it does complain, with headaches, backache, indigestion, colds, skin rashes: just a few of the minor warnings. Whether you are running a home business, major corporation or a family if you relate to these ‘mild’ complaints you just may need to pay attention to protect your most important asset: your health, your ability to think clearly and your emotional strength.

Without paying attention to keeping yourself well, you may slip into more serious warnings of ‘self-abuse’ and progress to serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. A few simple changes can make all the difference to the long-term health of your body, the clarity of your thinking, the strength of your emotional well-being and the long-term viability of your self-propelled business!

Food is fuel

What you eat and drink provides your body with the fuel to carry out all the physical and mental activities that get you through each day, including breathing and blinking! Some foods, such as fruit and vegetables, provide excellent fuel, with lots of beneficial nutrients. Other foods provide the body with poor quality fuel laced with undesirable chemicals, such as over-processed junk foods. What percentage of your current diet is providing fuel-efficient, nutrient-rich food? Find out by keeping a diary over the following week – jot down everything you eat and drink and then analyze your fuel source. The better your fuel source, the longer your life expectancy…

…So improve your choice

Choose meals and snacks that are kind to the body, i.e. naturally-produced and chemical free. Fresh (preferably seasonal) fruit, vegetables and salads retain their nutritional content – they are ‘living’ foods. Avoid foods that have been over-processed, stored for too long or stored in contact with metal or cling-film. You could class these as ‘dead’ foods, with little to offer nutritionally. Variety is also vital, helping you obtain the broad range of nutrients your body needs.

Less is more

Eating large meals puts a great strain on the digestive tract. Choose smaller, more frequent meals, which help keep your fuel tank topped-up throughout the day. And never forget that the more you eat, the more your body has to either burn off or store as fat. So eat to live – don’t live to eat!

Give your stomach a fair chance

Slow down and enjoy your food. Chewing is essential – you have teeth for a reason – to assist the digestive process. Eating food quickly, or while stressed, disrupts digestion and the absorption of nutrients. The ‘how’ and when’ of eating is just as important as ‘what’ you eat.

Life-giving water

Nature’s nectar. Your body is 70% water and it needs to be daily replenished with a fresh supply to ensure that body cells are hydrated and energized. Ideally, we need to consume two litres of water every day.

Get active!

You need just enough activity to keep all your moving parts in good working order, lean and strong. Too much exercise uses up resources needed for normal growth, repair and maintenance, and creates premature wear and tear on the joints and ligaments.

So how much exercise are we talking about?

Enjoy a good brisk walk in the fresh air everyday – or even every second day – swing your arms, hold your head high, fill your lungs and lengthen your strike. Or, consider purchasing a home fitness video. There are plenty to choose from, just make sure it incorporates a good stretching regime to avoid pulling or straining any muscles. The same applies to any team sports or gym work – warm-up first. The message is, yes, you need to use your body to prevent it from ‘getting rusty’.


Proper ‘quality time’ should not be confused with time spent watching endless television, or playing games on the computer. Energetic computer games and emotionally-charged TV soaps activate the release of ‘fight-or-flight’ stress chemicals – hardly a form of relaxation. Switch the TV off and take time-out once or twice a day for between 15-30 minute to rest your thoughts, and your body, completely. Sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, perhaps listen to restful music, and drift into your mind’s theatre of beautiful landscapes and memories. No interruptions, no demanding family or friends, just you and your attention focused on health, happiness and abundance…that’s quality time!


We all need 6-8 hours quality sleep every night. Get to bed before midnight and start the day early and alert after a restful, refreshing sleep.

Love makes everything workable

For complete harmony of mind, body and spirit, the final ingredient needed is a huge helping of love. Surround yourself with people you love and who love you!

Kim is a successful weight loss coach who will cut through the diet-hype and help you reach your goal weight. No public ‘weigh-ins’, meetings that cost you money or fads…simply long term results. You can receive a free consultation. Visit today:

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