So…you have joined a Network marketing Company, and you are truly excited. Or maybe you have been in for a while, and are looking for greater things to happen in your MLM business. This is normal, as you always want to create a Success Structure within your organization. If you do, your MLM business will have a greater chance of succeeding huge.
But then, as you go along, you find out some things that really bother you. And they help lead you to one HUGE mistake. What are those things?

1) You never knew your friends and family could be so unsupportive and negative.

This is such a big disappointment to many folks,as you really want your friends and family to support you at least by ordering some product, and positive statements.

But that doesn’t seem to happen very often for many folks in Network Marketing, as a lot of their friends and family do the opposite. And they try and tell you you should do the same thing.


In MLM, you are swimming upstream. We are the “Salmon on the world.” We are swimming upstream towards Success, while the world is flowing downstream or opposite of us, towards struggle and survival. That is just the way it is. And we often make the biggest mistake in MLM because of this.

2) You find out that most of your friends have already given up on doing anything great with their life.

This one is a real bummer. You want the best for your friends and family, but it seems that they already have given up on doing anything that smacks of greatness in their life. They make excuses for all that they do not have or do, and then politely put you down many times for wanting to do better. And many times, you have a tendency to listen, as they truly sound sincere and caring.

That is one that I personally went through, and it hurt, as many of my friends today still live a mediocre life, when they could have had an Extraordinary life. And this tremendously influences people to make the biggest mistake in network marketing.

3) The world actually is more focused on “getting through the week”, instead of giving what it takes daily to get the week to give to you what you want.

Getting through the week is a great past time for a lot of folks, and nothing wrong with that. But if you have the talent to succeed massively, and don’t use it, and end up with a life that is not what you really wanted in life, you have no right to complain. You have allowed yourself to be deceived into thinking that this is how life is supposed to be.

This bring us to the Biggest Mistake made in Network Marketing:

Thinking that being average and mediocre is how life is “supposed to be”, and even though you gave MLM your best shot, you return to the life and way of thinking that you had, as this is the way it is “supposed to be.”

The 3 biggest thieves in MLM that has ever existed are the words “Supposed to Be.” These words have helped more people give up on their dreams than any other thing I have found.

And it is a HUGE mistake to buy into those words and their poisonous influence.


Giving up on your dream is NOT how it is “supposed to be,” for you, but is ONLY how it is supposed to be for others –that have already given up on their own dreams.

You should NEVER give in, give up, or give out! You should GIVE MORE!

Give more Belief to your dreams in MLM.

Give more Action to your dreams in Network Marketing.

Give more Positive Thoughts to your dreams in MLM.

Give more Energy to your dreams in Network Marketing.

Give more Determination to your dreams in MLM.


Give MORE Time, and listen ONLY to those who have walked the Success path of being a Successful MLM home Business entrepreneur, and can teach you what you NEED TO KNOW, not teach you the Need for NO. (Did you catch that? READ IT AGAIN!)

Don’t make the Biggest mistake made in Network Marketing and fall prey to the “Supposed to be” crowd.

Become the type of person to move from “supposed to be” to “Propose to be!”

This is the life that I propose for mine to be!

This is the income that I propose for mine to be!

This is the lifestlyle that I propose for mine to be!

This is the future that I propose for my life, and I will not be denied!

Move from the mediocre world of Suppose to the Extraordinary world of Propose. All Millionaires in the world today did just that.

If you do, you will have found the solution to the Biggest mistake made in Network Marketing and MLM today.

Blessings…Doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

PassionFire Intl

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Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing
Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month
read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years
traveling the world speaking and training on Success.
He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a
FREE subscription to his training ezine – The MLM
Success HEAT- at:

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