It happens everyday.

Network Marketers go out, and get shot down. And they lay in their own pool of pity and excuses, never knowing that the whole scenario could have been prevented. Network Marketing recruiting is not a hazardous occupation, but you would never know it from some folks.

That is why you need “body armor.”

Just like the kind that the Special Ops Commandos use in their operations. If they get shot at,the armor reflects or stops the bullet, and they live. You need that kind of armor in MLM, and you need to become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in MLM Prospecting!

Great! But how do you do that?

Easy. It all deals with reflecting the bullets of rejection from your mlm prospects, and doing it handily. That is something that anyone can do, and anyone can succeed at, as reflecting “rejection bullets” is handled by what we call a “Third Party Recruiter.”

What is that?

It simply is a recruiting tool, CD, DVD, or Brochure, or website/webcast, or any other tool that you can use to tell the story of the MLM Network Marketing Company you enrolled in.

All you do, is ask them if they have a few minutes, as you would like to share an idea with them, that has really helped your life.

For example:

“Do you have a cd player in your car?”

“Yeah sure.”

“Could you please do me a favor, and put this in and listen to it as you drive home?” It is that simple.

All you are doing with these recruiting tools are “sifting and sorting” as they call it, mlm prospects. I call it “Rating and Separating.” You simply are rating the ones who show an interest as High, and the rest you are separating into a group for possible product purchases. Again, it is that simple.

And when you have given them a CD or DVD, and it has been a day or so, call them, and ask, “What was your favorite part about the DVD?” or “What did you like the best about the CD?” Assume they have listened to it, and focus them on what they liked best.

If they did not like it, you did not have to do a presentation, or go through the whole scenario of your mlm company. You saved a lot of time using a recruiting tool. And they did not reject you, but simply did not embrace the message that the tool shared with them.

It is called “Rejection Proof” Prospecting and Recruiting! And it can make you feel 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof because they did not tell you NO, but told you that the CD message was not for them.

But wait! It gets better!

You can fail 80%-90% of the time and still create a solid business with MLM prospecting tools! And you would be 10 Feet Tall and Spitting Bullets then! How would that happen?

It all deals with understanding the numbers in Network Marketing Success.

It revolves around sharing a recruiting CD/DVD/Brochure, 2 times a day with someone new. That is all. Just twice a day. We call it the “Two A Day” Formula, and lets say that you have 5 people in your group that is willing to hand out 2 CDs a day. Here is what has proven to happen:

5 people x 2 exposures a day= 10 EXPOSURES a day.

10 exposures a day x 30 days= 300 exposures a month.

300 exposures monthly x 12 months= 3600 EXPOSURES a year.

That would yield for the year about:

720 new customers (2 out of 10 prospects purchasing- 20%- 20% of 3600 = 720.)

180 new distributors (5 out of 100 prospects enrolling in your company- 5%- 5% of 3600 = 180.)

1440 referrals (2 referrals from the 720 new customers on average. You will average selling 3 out of 10 referrals.)

What would happen to your business if THIS HAPPENED? KABOOOOOM!

You would become 10 Feet tall, and Chewing Bullets for Gum! 720 NEW CUSTOMERS! 180 NEW DISTRIBUTORS! 1440 REFERRALS! And that is with a 80% FAILURE RATE!

And all you do, is hand out 2 mlm prospecting tools a day. Thats it, and let the numbers do their work.

How simple is that? This is all we did for 10 years, and built a HUGE group, as this simple Two a Day is totally duplicable, and multiplies!

Become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in your MLM prospecting, by allowing this simple system to wrap you in “MLM Success Armor” and never feel the pain of rejection again! Let the recruiting tool take the hit, as you simply take the CD back. And give it to the next person!

It is NOT all about Talent, but TOOLS! And using them as a Third Party Recruiter/Prospector will help explode any business out there. And It is REJECTION PROOF Prospecting/Recruiting!

That alone would make anyone 10 Feet Tall and BulletProof in MLM Recruiting!


PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month
read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.
He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM
Success HEAT- at:

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