You don’t have to have a lot of people to start succeeding in your Network Marketing business.

YOU just have to be totally, radically, absolutely SPARKED UP! This is simply catching FIRE from a conversation with a prospect and spreading the SuccessFire to others! A downline onFIRE will need half the numbers of a regular downline to create massive Success. And a prospect OnFIRE will be what you are dreaming of and praying for!

But YOU must be Burning with Success first and foremost.

YOU must be willing to spread the message of your Network Marketing products and company with some transferable HEAT to it, as well as Energy. Burn, Radiation, and Excitement.

It’s called SUCCESS RADIATION. Like a Heater in the winter time, you radiate Success in your words, actions, presence, thoughts, and expectations, and the prospect FEELS it.

Do you Radiate Success when you talk to people about your business and MLM?

What are they FEELING coming from you? Are you OnFIRE with radical expectancy or redundant mediocrity?

That is what people are going to be drawn towards. The HEAT. The BURN. The FIRE. The FLAME of Success that burns within that will not be denied, nor extinguished.


Look for ONE person that you can ignite, and wants to do something with their life, and pour the Success Kerosene of HOPE and POSSIBILITY on their Dreams and set them onFIRE!And then look for another, then another to ignite their hearts!

That is The Secret to Network Marketing, as it is all about creating a WildFire of Success in your group, with people who want their life to burn with Success, not mediocrity. Then SPREAD THE FIRE!

Let people watch You Burn.

People will come for miles around to watch you burn with excitement and PASSION. Pour some “Success Kerosene” of hope and possibilities on them as well, and light them UP!

All it takes is one MLM “spark” to set your business onFIRE, and it can come in many forms:

A Conversation.

A telephone call.

A chance meeting.

A question asked at the right time.

A referral from someone.

An email.

An Introduction.

A new friend.

An old friend.

Talking to someone at the bank.

Sitting next to someone in an athletic game.

Meeting someone at a party.

Someone asks you a question or seeks your help.

Your MLM Success Radar need to be turned on with a SCORCHING Focus!

Keep your ” MLM Success RADAR” on and in fine tuned condition! You need to be totally “on” and BURNING when a right circumstance shows up to talk to someone.


When you meet people, either IGNITE them or MELT them. Either way, set them OnFIRE with your Flame of Success that burns within and sparks their heart with the Hope of a better life and future.

Prospect constantly and BE AWARE of who is around you, and what they are talking about.

Be aware of Networking Opportunities when the show up. Who is around you? Who is being listened to? Who is driving the conversation with the rest of the surrounding people?

Be aware of who is NEW, who just showed up, and who you need to meet. Simply ask for their name, and introduce yourself, and talk about THEM and their life, not yours. Ask questions that will ignite their interest in talking to you further.

Be aware of who you MEET by chance as it is no accident they are there.

Be AWARE of your SURROUNDINGS and WHO is available to talk. They could be the one who will EXPLODE your business with SUCCESS! Open your EYES, EARS, SENSES, and HEART!


For you want to be aware when these things happen and you want to be ready to engage people when the timing is right, as they are part of your natural environment at that moment.

These all could lead to someone that could IGNITE your business and IGNITE the future RED HOT for you both!

And you know the best part?

They are WAITING on you to find them!

Spark On and let your FIRE burn in other’s hearts in Network Marketing!


Doug Firebaugh

PassionFire Intl

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2005 PFI / all rights reserved

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month
read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.
He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a
FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM
Success HEAT- at:

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