Here are the next 26 tips of the BLAZING Top 52 MLM Recruiting Tips:

27) “It is not about Hype, but about HOPE!”

Many MLM distributors try to HYPE people into joining, and it is NOT about hype. It is all about HOPE. Hope for a better future, hope for more money, hope for an ENLARGED lifestyle. People will be MAGNETIZED to hope, but turned off by hype. Hype comes from the head, and hope comes from the HEART in MLM and Network Marketing. Market HOPE, and see your recruiting explode.

28) When you do a presentation, BE IN the presentation, not AT the presentation.

When you present, make sure that you are not just at the presentation. So many people present their products and they are on “automatic pilot.” BE IN the presentation, with emotion, conviction, and energy. There is nothing worse than sitting in a presentation and not feeling it from the distributor.

Resource to learn more: The Psychology of Recruiting series

29) “Let the prospect ask the questions, but only at the right time.”

So many prospects have so many questions, and they all will pull you off track of your home business presentation. When a prospect has a question, simply say, “Thank you for asking that….I would love to answer it, and will answer all your questions in a just a second…and it goes to show you are thinking!”

30)”Be focused. Be THERE, and not somewhere else in your mind.”

People can actually tell when you are going through the motions, and not really into what you are saying. Three rules in MLM Recruiting: BeThere. Be Present. Be With the Person. Not with your thoughts of something else.

31)) “Ask a question every minute or so. Keep drawing them into your MLM recruiting conversation.”

Questions are the magnet. Keep asking them. “Are you with me?” “Am I making sense?” “Do you see what I am talking about?” “What would happen to your life if that happens?” “How would this impact your family?

32) “Use their name at least 3 times the first 3 minutes.”

Don’t over do it, but the sweetest sound you can say to a prospect is their name. Say it 3 times in 3 minutes a a rule, and you will keep their attention 3 times as log as you normally would. Use it throughout the conversation. “Does that make sense Mary?

33) “When on the telephone, use words that paint a picture, and are emotional.”

Use words that paint a vivid picture. Use action oriented words. Use words and phrases that are emotional. “Family. Freedom. Breakthrough. Wealth. Vacation Property. Joy. Deserve. Worth it. In Control. Total Success. Enlarged Lifestyle.”

Resource to learn more: Power Secrets to Becoming a Recruiting Magnet.

34) “Never understimate the Power of the Three Golden Words in MLM Recruiting.”

There are three words that are GOLDEN in Recruiting, and life. They carry a Connection Magnet with them. “I Totally Understand”. Those words are powerful when talking about any life situation that comes up, and use them often, as they will create a MAGNETISM in your personality.

35) “Use the word TRUTH when Recruiting, as that will anchor in their heart, and understanding.”

“When I was first looking at Network Marketing, I was looking for only the truth of the matter, as it was important to me…and I would think it would be for you?” The word “truth” is a powerful word, as you bring the reality of the matter right out in the open and lay it out, dispelling any doubts in their mind from the very beginning.

36) “Never play “Verbal Judo” in MLM Recruiting. If someone disagrees with you, thank them for it. It is their right to disagree.”

“Thank you for bringing that up. I appreciate your insight. Help me understand why you said that…. tell me more.” This will do more to draw the real objection out then arguing with them. Verbal Judo alway has one winner. And it is never you.

37) “Never CHASE a prospect. You are not a dog. You MUST develop the leadership mindset in network marketing recruiting. People do not follow companies, products, or compensation plans.”

People follow PEOPLE with STRENGTH. If you are chasing the prospect, you are displaying weakness. MLM Leaders give the prospect enough time to start moving towards them– usually 10-14 days- and after that, they keep in touch regularly, but move on.

Resource for more information: PF HEAT Training Letter

38) “When using the telephone, make sure that you are more animated than normal. It will display energy, and magnetism.”

The telephone is a great communication tool, but it will never replace face to face interaction. Let people FEEL your words, and make sure that you come across as confident and someone that is going places, and taking people with you.

39) “The prospect is thinking one thing: How will this ENLARGE my Lifestyle?”

Most people in life, are looking to Enlarge their income. ALL people are looking to Enlarge thewir lifestyle. Find out what kind they want. “Tell me about the kind of lifestyle you have often dreamed of…”

40) “Make sure that there are NO distractions when you are talking to the prospect about your Network Marketing Home Business.”

Remember this: If the prospect is distracted, they are not focused on your message. “Would you like to wait a couple of minutes before I go on?” If the distractions continue, make another appointment.

41) “Use several testimonials during your MLM Recruiting talk. They bring life to your message.”

If you do not yet have a testimonial, borrow your sponsor’s. Find out three really HOT testimonials as far as the business, and share them with your prospect to emotionally connect to your message.

42) “Use the phrase ‘If this is right for you’ during your talk. It will draw them towards you psychologically.”

“And this company has such a great track record to set a new person as well as you at ease when they come into the business…of course, only if this is right for you.”

FREE MLM Daily AUDIO Trainings Resource for more information: WisdomFire Daily MLM Training Audio

43) “Trash the word OPPORTUNITY. It is a Red Flag word today.”

Use the word Vehicle, or Business. Our society looks at the word “opportunity'” today as “Uh oh…not another one of those”.

44) “The first thing you MUST do is get the prospect COMFORTABLE. Talk about THEM.”

If the prospect is not comfortable with you, they will NOT be comfortable with your message. Talk ONLY about them the first 5 minutes.

45) “Find out what is the MOST valuable thing in a person’s life, then wrap the presentation around it.”

Family usually is. “How this will impact your family is…..How this will increase the time you have with your family is… This business will help you bring that dream into reality in your life…”

46) “Always be FORWARD FOCUSED in your MLM Recruiting. That is where most people are interested in…moving forward in a more powerful life.”

People want to KNOW there is a real chance in life, to live the life they dream of. Don’t dwell on how things are in a person’s life. Focus on how things SHOULD be, and WILL be. Be the Knight in Shining Armor.

47) ” ALWAYS set the Next Move while you are talking to them. LEAD them, give them the next step in the process, be the pied piper.”

“At this point, what a lot of folks like to do is….get on a three way…attend a conference call….look at some tools…I have an idea…let’s do THIS….” Then explain the Next Move.

48) “It’s NOT what you say, but what people are FEELING when you say it.”

Words are important in MLM Recruiting, but emotions are more important. How can anyone get excited over something you are not? How can anyone believe in something that you don’t? How can anybody follow you, if you are not strong enough in faith to follow? How can anyone be touched by your message, if you are not?

48) “MLM Recruiting is a Follow Me game.”

You are asking someone to follow your lead about an unknown product, an unknown company, and into an unknown future. That requires some SERIOUS Leadership. Be serious about YOUR Leadership in Recruiting.

Resource for more information: “The Heart of a Networker MLM Wisdom Series.”

50) “People don’t follow what you say, or what you do, but WHO YOU ARE.”

MLM Recruiting is about WHO YOU ARE, and who the prospect wants to be. Be REAL, and be Yourself. Don’t morph into your upline. Your warm market will be turned off by that. Yes, you should be BECOMING who you are planning on being…but still be REAL.

51) “Remember the Golden Rule of the Presentation. It is NOT about the Presentation, but about Transformation- how your business will transform the prospect’s life!”

MLM Recruiting is about being a Walking, Talking Transformer. You are a CHANGE Agent, just like people who sell houses are Real Estate agents.

52) “ALWAYS thank the prospect for their time. no matter what. This is just professionalism.”

Gratitude can play a long way into creating Success in your life. “I want to truly thank you for your time…. I have enjoyed talking to you so much.”

BONUS FireStarter TIP: The Last word they should hear as you finish the conversation, is THEIR NAME.

“I have enjoyed this, and I will talk to you next thursday. Bye Shirley.” “This has been wonderful. I look forward to talking again with you Mary.” “You truly are a great person to chat with. I have enoyed this. I look forward to chatting again Tim.” Their name is the sweetest sound to them. make sure it is the last thing they hear in your MLM Network Marketing Recruiting.


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Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM network Marketing Trainers, Speakers, and Authors in the world. His training ezine is read by over a million people a month, and he travels the world training and speaking. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can get a FREE subscription to his training letter at

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