Now that you have started your own MLM business, fresh MLM leads are the most important ingredients you need now, right? All starting MLM distributors struggle with this issue, “Whom am I going to sell to?” Here are some possible MLM leads that might help you start out in your new venture.

The best and first fresh MLM leads you should check out are the warm leads you know. Family, friends, and acquaintances will probably be the first place for you to start. These are called “warm leads” since they know you before your started the MLM business. They are a great beginning audience for your sales pitch and more likely to buy than a complete stranger. Warm lead also offer a testing ground for new ideas to sell your products and you can hone your sales pitch with a friendly audience.

The next set of fresh MLM leads you can approach is the second tier of “semi-warm leads.” Here are the people that know of you but not necessarily know you. They will probably be the friends of your friends, their co-workers, maybe their in-laws. These people offer the first step toward cold calling but not quite a door-to-door type of sales call.

Another set of fresh MLM leads can be found on the Internet. If your host company provides you with a web page: use it. The Internet is quickly becoming the best way to introduce people to you and your products without personal contact. Also, many people are more willing to purchase online than person-to-person.

Sales aids offer another way to gain fresh MLM leads. Have some sales aids such as business cards, buttons, brochures, and flyers printed up and distribute when the opportunity arises. Place literature at trade shows, business conventions, and local activities such as fairs. The more you promote your business to a wide audience, the better chance you have of attracting interested future customers.


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