Jan Tincher –
Your mind affects your brain, your brain affects your body. If you are thinking bad thoughts, your body tightens up and you feel the stress. Your thoughts also affect your disease-fighting immune system.
Images are the language of the brain. If you imagine yourself in perfect health, you have a better chance of obtaining perfect health.
That being the case, which of the following scenarios appeal to you?
Your healthy cells are militia. You have a captain in charge. The captain is you. You relax and tell your healthy cells to either capture and destroy the bad cells as some people do, or to encapsulate them with love which causes a powerful change in them.
You”ve seen the Pac Man game where the little circles munch their way around a board. Well, how about you imagine getting well this way: Every time you take a drink of water, imagine that water turning into little Pac Mans (Men? and they are eating all the sick or injured cells.
If you have a *bad* back, how about every time you sit, stand, or lie down a certain way, you see it getting stronger and stronger? Do you have a dislodged vertebra? Every time you move to your left or your right, see it coming back into shape.
How about when you have a cold and your sinuses swell? Can you imagine an ice pack inside and outside your nose taking the swelling down?
How about if you injure yourself and the blood flows? Can you imagine and actually *feel* an ice pack on it, stemming the flow?
If you have a difficult time with this concept, click here: http://www.tameyourbrain.com/lemon.htm
Now, I”m not saying this will happen each and every time you try it. And more importantly, I”m not saying to heal yourself when there is a doctor available. I am saying the doctor will have a tough time healing your body if you don”t help him or her. The techniques listed above are just some of the ways you can help your doctor. Use your imagination and see what works for you.
You may have tried something like this years ago and it didn”t work. Well, you can be sure there”s only one reason it didn”t work for you and that is — you didn”t do it right, meaning you weren”t focused on what you were doing and/or you didn”t have faith that it would work.
I had a hard time at first, too, using my mind to effect changes, but I”m getting pretty good at it. The other day, I went to a show and it was a tear jerker. I simply imagined a hanky blotting my tears, I could feel how soft and absorbent it was. I never once felt one roll down my cheek.
Get knowledgeable on how your mind works. Your life will improve immensely!
Thanks for reading,
P.S. If you”d like help with growing older gracefully, you”ll love having me as a mentor! To find out more about my great ecourse “Growing Older Gracefully “, click here: http://www.tameyourbrain.com/gogEcourse/gogoffer.php
, Jan Tincher, Worldwide
DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not guarantee or warrant that the techniques and strategies portrayed will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical advice from the medical profession. Always consult your own professionals before making any life-changing decisions.
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