Wouldn???t it be great if you could get all of the benefits of a high blood pressure medication without the damaging side effects? Well you can if you just know what foods to eat and how to supplement them with a few good choices. When it comes to managing blood pressure it often is the combination of the food and lifestyle choices you make each day that can be the difference between life long dependency on medication or a life of good nutrition and health.
The intent of blood pressure medication prescribed by your doctor is to quickly and continuously lower blood pressure readings for both the systolic and diastolic readings ??? the top and bottom numbers. Sometimes the problem lies with just one of those readings ??? either as the heart beats or the pressure between beats as the heart rests.
Blood pressure medication causes one of three main reactions. They either increase the size of the blood vessel (vasodilator flush out the blood vessel of salt and water and create freer blood flow with less volume (diuretic or slow down the heart beat (beta blockers).
Top 3 High Blood Pressure Medications
1. Doxazosin (brand name Wytensin) is a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessel walls. Its negative side effects include rapid heartbeat and fluid retention, so often other medications must be prescribed to counter act these side effects, which can raise blood pressure. Also, this medication is associated with some gastrointestinal problems and impotence.
2. Hydrochlorothiazide (under brand names Carozine, HydroDiuril or Diaqua) is a potassium reserving diuretic. It is intended to hang on to the potassium, an important mineral in lowering blood pressure that can get dangerously low with diuretic usage. The resulting side effects however are dizziness, muscle weakness and especially cramping.
3. Acebutolo (brand name Sectral) is a beta blocker intended to decrease the heart rate and blood flow. The side effects are a lowering of the good cholesterol (HDL) and a rapid heart rate can occur if the medication is suddenly stopped.
Get the Same Results without Drugs
To get the same benefits of the most commonly prescribed medications without the negative side effects there are natural alternatives. Diet is the number one way to increase the desirable reactions, but exercise contributes greatly too.
For example, the same reaction caused by vasodilators can take place when you get enough L-Arginine. This amino acid lets the walls of the blood vessels relax. You can take a supplement or get it through animal proteins, peanuts or soy.
By drinking plenty of water, at least 8 glasses each day, you can accomplish the same diuretic effects of the prescription. You will flush out excess salt and other toxins that can increase blood pressure. You can keep your potassium levels in a good range by eating fresh bananas and potatoes.
Finally, to get the same benefits of a slower heart rate and freer flowing blood without lowering your good cholesterol you can keep your heart strong with Hawthorne and through routine cardiovascular exercise that will allow the heart to work more efficiently.


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