Can New Joint Treatments Like MSM and Phosoplex Help Relieve Joint, Back and Knee Pain?
The Baby Boomer generation or those approaching fifty to sixty-five years of age is the fastest growing segment of the US population. Although these maturing adults are expected to live longer than their predecessors, many complain of joint, back, and knee pain as eroding their quality of life.
One of the most common conditions of these types of pain is Osteoarthritis according to Dr. Jonathan Cluett, M.D. Cluett explains “osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint. As the protective cartilage is worn away by knee arthritis, bare bone is exposed within the joint.”
Back and joint pain are also big problems for many mature adults, but there may be relief for those suffering with these ailments with treatments like MSM and Phosoplex.
Is MSM a breakthrough treatment for Joint Pain?
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is derived from natural organic sulfur and is a nutritional supplement with tremendous success in helping to alleviate joint pain. Highly regarded Dr. Earl Mindel is a proponent of MSM and has written a book on its advantages. In Dr. Mindel”s book he stresses the benefits of MSM:
“Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) has an amazing ability to assist and cure myriad health problems. Neither a medicine nor a drug, MSM is a safe and natural source of sulfur that has been used to successfully treat asthma, allergies, skin problems, yeast infections, muscle cramps, arthritis, stress, diabetes, fatigue, and much more. MSM also supports the effectiveness of conventional medical treatments and may even reduce the need for painkillers, antihistamines, and other medications.”
Mindel also states that MSM has little problem with toxicity levels ” MSM exhibits very low toxicity–in fact, its toxicity profile is similar to water. And within limits, you cannot overdose on MSM because the body will take and use whatever it needs and naturally flush any excess from the body.”
Many doctors and health professionals agree MSM definitively holds tremendous promise with treating pain associated with aging or sports injuries. MSM however is just the beginning of promising treatments for ailing mature adults.
Phosoplex — Building on MSM and other Best of Breed Nutritional Supplements
Phosoplex is an advanced nutritional supplement that combines the essential ingredients of MSM with other beneficial supplements like glucosamine sulfate. The other active ingredient in Phosoplex “glucosamine” is advocated by well respected Dr. Andrew Weil MD. He states “Supplements such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate may actually help restore damaged tissue structure in joints, perhaps because these two substances are natural constituents of healthy cartilage.”
Phosoplex also contains other premium nutritional supplements like Biocell Collagen ll and Nextrutine in a time released formula to support healthy joints and ease pain associated with osteoarthritis.
This nutritional mix of high quality ingredients has given real positive life style and health benefits to Ricky Smith of New York City. Smith once was sidelined from sports activity because of a torn meniscus in both knees playing basketball.
According to Mr. Smith, quickly approaching fifty, “he was gaining a lot of weight because he couldn”t exercise due to knee pain”. Even after his knee healed Ricky experienced stiffness and discomfort with strenuous running exercises. Smith tried Phosoplex and confides “my knees and back have a lot less stiffness and pain while using Phosoplex — even in strenuous activities like jogging and weight training.”
Todd from Dublin Ireland has a similar story ” I”ve had back pain for years. I always use herbal supplements, because I believe in them and they work for me. I tried all sorts of herbal pain relief products, but none of them could control my back pain until I started using Phosoplex. This is the product I was looking for! Now I can live with my back, and I know that Phosoplex is safe, because it”s all natural.
Phosoplex probably works so well because it has the best of today”s leading ingredients used to alleviate back and joint pain. Given its ingredients and track record Phosoplex is something you should seriously consider to help you if you experience joint pain or need support in these areas.
Phosoplex is developed by Optimal Therapeutics and can be obtained at or at .


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