Depression, Anxiety and other phobias are part of our psychological phenomenon in the medical science. Depression is caused due to chemical imbalance in the nervous system of a person. This is concerned with psychological conditioning of the patient. On the other note, Anxiety is caused due to the imbalance in the body of a person. Anxiety is concerned with the emotional behavior of the patient.
Though Depression and Anxiety are two disorder forms of the same category, they have different symptoms. Feeling of hopelessness, negativity, lack of concentration, feeling of guilt and decrease in energy are some of the common symptoms of Depression. While, tension of day to day work, dizziness, nausea, difficulty in breathing and light headedness are few common symptoms of Anxiety.
There are many forms of Depression and Anxiety. Panic Attacks, Social Disorders, Specific Phobias are the types of Anxieties. Psychological Predisposition and Environmental Stresses are the types of Depressions. All these symptoms can cause hazardous diseases in the long run. So, you should take extra care of yourself, if you are suffering from either of these troubles.
Depression and Anxiety can not be fully cured, but can be treated for sure with the help of proper medication and therapies. The medical practitioners hold few sessions to understand the mental conditioning of the patient and suggest appropriate medical aid.
Anti-Depressants, Anti-Anxiety medications and other types of medications are aimed at alleviating symptoms of Depression and Anxiety. When the treatment fails in the case of Depression, then Electroconvulsive Therapy has been proved to be successful in the treatment. Many of the Self-Help Support Groups help people in treating their problems by making them sit with others and hear the other experiences to get out of the situation.
Depression and Anxiety is more common in women than in men. If one man out of ten is suffering from these problems, its one woman out of four is facing Depression or Anxiety disorders. A patient can overcome these situations only with his strong will to recover.


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