An epidemic on the rise, Obesity can raise a person’s risk of heart disease and diabetes. Researchers’ today report that too many pounds can also result in gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder known as GORD. People who had GORD showed symptoms of chest pain, heartburn and had a difficulty swallowing.
Oesophageal cancer
Overweight people are three times more likely to develop Oesophageal cancer than normal people. GORD occurs when the valve between the stomach and the Oesophagel fails to close properly. This is dangerous as the contents in the stomach might get into the Oespphagus leading to erosion of the Oesophagus and many a times it results in cancer.
Researchers prescribe weight loss as the best medicine to control GORD amongst obese patients. But clinical studies are still pending on proving the weight loss link with GORD. In the United States, 20% of adults suffer from GORD. People who eat fatty foods increase the risk of developing GORD.
Stay away from Obesity
Before you start developing GORD symptoms or diseases related to the heart, it’s crucial you have your health check done. If you are careful about your health, take proper care in choosing a low calorie diet and go for regular workout routine You will certainly manage to stay away from obesity traits. Once you are a victim of disorders like GORD, life becomes tough and uneasy. So, it’s wise to prevent it rather than endure it later. Take some tips from here and administer it in your everyday life to distance yourself from Obesity.
Go away Obesity
• Count your calories or at least have an idea of how much you ate.
• Take time to learn the benefits of staying fit. There are plenty of books on the ill effects of obesity. Go through it, you will be aware and more cautious about your weight problem.
• If you overeat on a particular day see to it that you shed off the extra pounds you gained. A walk or a swim is a wonderful idea.
• Don’t keep chocolates or sweets at a place that you can see. If you see it often you will get tempted.
• Fill yourself with colorful fruits and salads. They are tasty too.
• Be active. Walk around instead of being a couch potato.
• Begin to love your body. If you do it, you wont like seeing your body bloated.


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