Remember the film home alone? Wherein the kid was left all alone into their house while his parents and the whole family are in vacation, have you done leaving your kid alone in the house too? The film might just be pure entertaining to you but it represents the reality of today’s Latchkey kids.
Kids are generally active and responsible especially when parents got to appreciate them and trust them wholeheartedly with what they are doing. There is no formula to measure a kid’s readiness to assume self care at home yet very often circumstances drive the issue. Daycare might become unavailable, cost prohibitive or unsatisfactory or there is no neighbor nearby to provide guidance along their own children. A latchkey kid should want to stay alone and be comfortable assuming the additional responsibilities at home.
However, if your child is prone to be a worrier, has nightmares most of the times and nervous or anxious when he is alone, that is an indication that he may not be ready to stay by themselves. But there are really children who will welcome the opportunity to demonstrate their maturity and take pride in being allowed to take charge at home.
Incase situation calls to leave your kid alone at home, how will you handle it? do you trust your kid well that h can already handle things all by himself? Well, here are some basic safety tips for being home alone.
First, establish your own House Rules that he should know and understand well, write it down and consider including homework and house chores as well as the use of phones, television sets, computers and other gadgets.
Familial relationship matters a lot so, stress early on that parents should not be called to settle minor sibling disputes and misunderstandings. This could be done through meetings or during after dinner.
Practice emergency procedures especially calling to 911. Never assumed that kids know what to say incase of emergency so once in a while rehearse some lines that he should say whenever the situation calls and discuss it well.
Try to avoid giving too much responsibility on your child and listen carefully when he wants to share his concerns. Be sure to discuss each day’s schedule including all transportation plans so that parent’s won’t worry if the “safe home” message is not received when expected.
Another thing, If you have a change of plans, or if you are not going to return home when you said you would, call and reassure your children. They tend to worry when things don’t go according to plan, and a lack of information can cause them to panic.
Consider that no matter how mature your child acts, he or she is still a child. Children invariably make mistakes; they don’t always react in a situation as you wish they would. And, even if they start off well without adult supervision, they can get “spooked” and develop real fears about being all alone at home.
Encourage, support and reinforce your kids well and treat their mistakes as a learning tool towards achieving the upright one. Proper care and guidance makes it all for young ones to be confident and self-reliant.


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