This article is a continuation of “5 Keys to Naturally Better Vision” and contains 5 more easy to follow tips that you can implement in your daily life to have a naturally better vision. You can make these tips your daily habit and enjoy a long healthy vision without having to use any contact lens or undergoing any lasic surgery or other optical complexities.
Nourish and Rest Your Eyes
Your eyes are nourished by light, just as your body is nourished by food and the best nourishment for your eyes in sunlight. To get this important nourishment spend at least 15 minutes a day outdoors –without glasses or contacts – so that your visual system can receive unfiltered sunlight.
The kind of indoor lighting that you use is also important. Dr. John Ott, a pioneer in the field of photobiology, developed an indoor light that is the most complete substitute for sunlight. It is called Vita-Lite and it easily replaces any standard fluorescent tube. Studies have shown that using Vita-Lite increases see-ability, reduces glare and eyestrain and improves visual acuity.
Your eyes are rested by total darkness. The best way to rest your eyes is to close them and place your cupped palms over your closed eyes. You can palm like this for as little as 30 or 40 seconds any time that your eyes feel tired or strained. When palming, visualize a pleasant scene in your imagination – you”ll be surprised at how refreshed you feel when you are done.
Nourishing and resting your eyes can be done at the same time in a short exercise that I call the Sun Cycle. It”s done like this: Close your eyes and face the sun (never look at the sun with your eyes open!). Let the sunlight fall on your closed eyes for 5 to 10seconds. Then palm over your closed eyes and shut out all the light for another 5 or 10 seconds. Repeat these two steps at least 10 times, for a total of 3 or 4 minutes.
The Sun Cycle helps to nourish your visual system, exercises the focusing muscles of your eyes and reduces sensitivity to glare.
Use an Under-Corrected Prescription
If you wear glasses or contacts, you have probably experienced the all too familiar pattern of needing a stronger and stronger prescription year after year. This is caused by a number of factors but to a large degree it can be prevented by using an under-corrected With an under-corrected prescription, you probably wouldn”t be able to read the bottom line of the eye chart in the doctor”s office, maybe only one or two lines above the bottom line, but you would still be able to comfortably see in your day to day life as well as be able to drive safely. An under-corrected prescription encourages your visual system to work with the glasses or contacts – and not just passively depend on them – in order to see. If you are also doing eye exercises, then as your vision improves, what was once an under corrected prescription will eventually become too strong as your own vision gets clearer. At this point it”s time to get another under-corrected prescription. In this way you are slowly weaning yourself from corrective lenses and your eye sight gets stronger as your glasses get weaker. Not every eye doctor agrees with this philosophy of under correction, so it may take some looking on your part to find one that understands and supports this approach. You can contact the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision for help in locating a sympathetic optometrist in your area. Point your web browser to:
Increase Body Relaxation and Good Posture
It”s very difficult, if not impossible, to relax your eyes and mind and maintain clear vision if your body is overly tense. Postural imbalances and physical tension have long been associated with vision problems. It”s important for you to find ways to release tension and develop relaxation in your body. In addition, people with vision problems shouldn”t read or watch TV while lying down. Instead, they should sit in a relaxed, comfortable position. This makes it easier for the blood and the oxygen to circulate to the head and the eyes.
Key 4
Breathe Deeply and Regularly
Approximately 30% of the oxygen you inhale goes to nourish the muscles, nerves and brain cells of your visual system. Watch what happens to your breathing the next time you are engrossed in an activity or are tense. Most likely, it will become shallow and irregular. You might even find that you are holding your breath unconsciously for periods of time. Breathing deeply and rhythmically helps vision. And it will keep your body more relaxed, help you concentrate easier for longer periods of time and eliminate eyestrain and fatigue.
Key 5
Look Openly and Honestly
Past and present emotional stress can affect vision, so it is important to develop the inner willingness to see. Emotionally, there may be a part of us that believes that if we don”t see something it might disappear. Though this response might feel more safe, nothing disappears when we don”t see it. Instead, the problem or the feeling haunts us until we look at it and deal with it openly and directly. Develop an inner willingness to look directly at challenging and difficult situations and do whatever you can to release the emotional stress that affects vision


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