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You can create a lovely but simple and inexpensive
table arrangement that will work for almost any dinner party at your house. First, collect your supplies, then just follow ten easy steps to create your arrangement.
Collecting your supplies
Choose white flowers and some simple foliage. White carnations and a couple of ferns are readily available. They provide a simple, inexpensive white arrangement that would go on almost any dinner party table.
Choose a low round vase. This way you can easily create an arrangement that is pleasing from all sides. Remember that your guests should be able to see over the arrangement.
Choose white candles and candlesticks that match the color and material of your vase. If you don’t want to use candlesticks, you can just use pillar candles on glass dishes.
Now you’re ready to create your table centerpiece.
Ten easy steps to creating your arrangement:
1) Fill your vase two thirds full of water.
2) Cut the flowers down enough so they just pop over the top of the vase.
3) Strip off foliage that would be underwater since it will rot faster in the water.
4) Start around the edges, putting one or two on opposite sides. Criss-cross the stems as you go. This does two things, it helps to stabilize the flowers, and if your vase is clear it makes a pleasing arrangement through the water.
5) Keep filling in, making the middle flowers slightly higher than the sides so you create a bit of an arc. The experts say it’s always good to aim for a shape to your arrangement. In this case we’re
creating the suggestion of an arc or half-circle shape.
6) Arrange ferns around the sides underneath the flowers, so it looks like the ferns are almost cradling the flowers.
7) Trim ruthlessly. If a flower sticks out, pull it out and cut it again.
8) Check the arrangement on all sides to make sure everyone has a pleasing view and make any adjustments.
9) Place your arrangement on the table and position your candles.
10)Like what you’ve done? Take a picture of this simple floral table centerpiece so you can remember the next time you need a quick and easy centerpiece.
That”s it! Now you have a simple white table centerpiece that goes with almost anything else you use to decorate your dinner party table.


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