Got any ripe bananas sitting around the house? Great. Then instead of letting them get too ripe to eat, make yourself a nice, cold delicious banana chocolate milkshake. It’s fun and easy to do.
All you do is slice up the banana and add it to some cocoa chocolate and milk and you’ve got yourself a nice afternoon snack. This milkshake will also give you a real boost of energy too. Now you know you’ll never have to waste another banana again.
Banana Chocolate Milkshake
1 cup skim milk
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 medium ripe banana, sliced
8 large ice cubes
In blender container pour milk. Add cocoa. Cover, blend on low speed until well mixed. Add sugar, vanilla and banana. Cover, blend until smooth.
Add ice cubes, one at a time, blending until thick.


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