Well opinions divide into two groups. The Love Them Group and the Hate Them Group.
Why is opinion so so strongly divided on a simple subject? The reason is the way in which these two groups use Credit Cards.
The Love Them Group control their card, they make the cards work to make them more money. They organise themselves to know exactly when to pay the whole of the outstanding debt so as to maximise their capital. They keep their money longer and make more in interest on their capital, they make sure they never attract any fees or pay any interest on the card. They search for new cards with interest free periods and because they have a good credit rating, they easily acquire the card they want. In other words the the Love Them Group are the Bank”s nightmare customers.
As you would expect the Hate Them Group are the Bank”s dream customers. They only pay the minimum monthy amount and therefore attract maximum interest on their card. They don”t organise themselves to diary note the payment date and often pay late and therefore attract fees. They also tend to spend more on their cards, meaning the debt builds up and eventually causes them problems in making payments. As this group often have poor credit ratings, they are unable to change to a new card and take advantage of the latest best deal. They have to stay with their existing bank and pay high interest on their account.
Which group do you belong to?
Which group do you aspire to belong to?
To be in the Love Them Group, takes discipline, determination and organisation.
To be in the Hate Them Group is easy, just carry on doing what you”re doing now.
Why don”t you join the Love Them Group? It”s a no brainer if you just follow this guide:
Get your present card up to date for at least 2 months, pay the minimum amount and no late payments
Find the Best Balance Transfer deal on the market, zero interest for as long a period as possible.
Don”t use the new card for any more purchases – important! Pay the minimum monthly payment exactly on or before the due date, pay more, much more if you can afford it.
Keep your existing card for further new purchases BUT pay the full amount off each month before or on the due date – vital!
Cut back – only buy what is absolutely necessary, only use your card if you have to.
When your new balance transfer deal runs out, search for a new one ,and transfer again. Follow the same rules as above
Keep doing this until the amount on your new card is paid off.
Success. You just joined the Love Them Group!! New rules from now on.
Only spend each month what you know you can pay back in full at the end of the month
You must pay the full amount outstanding on or before the due date BUT take full advantage of the interest free period.
Make your payment automatically by bank direct debit for the full amount.
Congratulations! You are now a senior member of the Love Them Group!!


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