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The value of the accurate financial statements generated is undisputed. This is as financial statements are like windows into the health of a company. Just by viewing financial statements, adept business owners will be able to determine the strengths and weaknesses at the time that the statement was generated. With this, the owner can then chart the way into the future for the company, by addressing the weaknesses and capitalizing on the strengths that the company has.
The two main financial statements within any company are the balance sheet and the Profit and Loss statements. The balance sheet provides anyone with a snapshot of the assets and liabilities within a company at any one point in time. This essentially means that the balance sheet shows what the company has and how much they own others. Apart from that, the equation asset = liabilities + capital always holds true within a balance sheet. The liabilities and capital sections indicate the sources of funds for the company while the assets indicate how the company uses the funds that it has. Most importantly, the liability and capital sections indicate money owed to creditors as well as invested amount. If you look closely, you will realize that both of these are obligations of the company that need to be paid.
By analyzing financial ratios that are generated by numbers on a balance sheet, a business owner is able to tell how well the company collects their accounts receivables, how fast the inventory is moving out and replenished, as well as how much exposure the company has towards debt.
The typical company balance sheet will consist of fixed assets and current assets such cash, account receivables, inventory and note receivables. Current assets comprise of assets that can be liquidated fairly quickly and easily in order to be turned into cash. On the other hand, fixed assets are amortized over an extended period of time and are not so easily sold to recover cash.
On the liability section, fixed liabilities include long-term debt of usually more than 12 months of age or contingent liabilities. The current liabilities however are represented by mainly accounts payable and notes payable as well as short term loans. If there is inadequate cash within the company, current liabilities have the ability to drag the company down.
The final element of the balance sheet, the Equity is the amount of capital financing that has been injected into the company. With this, the owner’s investment into the business is shown in the balance sheet.
The Profit and Loss statement is used to determine if a company is making a profit or a loss within a specified operations period. The revenue obtained in a period is stated in this statement, and all direct and indirect costs incurred are deducted from the revenue. With this, the profit for that period is obtained, where profits are compared with the previous year’s performance level. Profits with which taxation has not yet been accounted for are known as gross debt, while net profits are debt in which all costs have been deducted from.
In conclusion, being able to read financial statements is an advantage for any business owner. Interpreting financial statements are ever important in business, as it allows for the owner to take action before things become worse. By reading financial ratios, a business owner will know what needs to be done before the situation of the company changes. Alternatively, reading financial ratios will also help the business owner plan for the future, by incorporating the leverage on existing strengths of the company.


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