I bet you’re wondering where the heck this articles going. After all what could cowboys-n-campfires have in common? Well lots actually!
Cowboys are full of wonderful tales from their travels and their work. Campfires are a wonderful place to listen to tales whether from a cowboy or shared among a group of friends over an ice cold beer and a star filled sky.
There’s another commonality. In earlier times cowboys spent a great deal of time sleeping under the clear star filled skies. They enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the universe as they stopped to rest for their night from a long day of moving cattle across the country.
Today campfires are one of the few times we get to appreciate the dark night skies with the twinkling stars. It’s one of the few times we stop and appreciate what a wonderful universe we live in. In the city most of the beauty of the night sky is washed out by the ambient light.
Cowboys-n-campfires share something else – the big C. Now I bet your wondering what the heck the big C is? The big C stands for a few things Character, Charm, Cause, Caution, Cheerful, and Chatting.
Both a cowboy and a campfire have character and charm. Depending on the mood of both determines what part of their character we see. A cowboy can be angry but so can a campfire. I’m sure you’ve heard your fire sizzling and popping. A cowboy can be charming and so can your campfire. Remember sitting beside it watching the gentle orange and red flames flutter – so charming.
A cowboy and a campfire both have a cause. The cowboys job is to herd the cattle from point a to point b. The campfires job is to help you relax and to keep you warm. It’s also their to cook a meal, prepare a pot of coffee, or enjoy a marshmallow or two.
A cowboy and campfire share caution. A cowboy needs to exercise caution when he herds the cattle. There are many dangers he will face. A campfire requires your attention and caution as there are many dangers it can cause. A fire can burn someone, and it can spread and cause a forest fire if not properly put out.
A cowboy and campfire are both cheerful. A cowboy can be heard whistling a happy tune as he carries out his duties. He always seems to have a smile on his face. Next time you go by a campfire take note of the mood of the people around it. Cheerful of course! As they all relax and share good conversation and good friends.
Cowboys and campfires share chatting. Cowboys chat among themselves as they carry out their duties. They even chat with their old friend their dog, and now and then you’ll hear them chatting to the herd. The campfire is the ultimate place to relax and chat with both old and new friends. It’s a place to enjoy great conversation.
So you see cowboys-n-campfires have a lot in common! Be sure to check them both out sometime soon!


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