Admit it. You like the idea of being in control of choosing
whether you have a baby boy or girl. But you probably didn”t
think it was possible. Well it is. And I”m going to share
with you today a few thoughts on how to increase the chances
of conceiving a baby boy.
Ice Ice Baby
You say ice. Huh? Surprisingly, ice does play a small factor
in whether you conceive a baby boy or girl. Sperm is created
in the testicles. The testicles need to be a few degrees
colder than the rest of the body to produce high quality
potent sperm that is mobile. Notice how the testicles hang
away from the rest of the body- that”s so they can stay
So what does ice have to do with this? Well, if you use ice
on your testicles you can help increase your sperm count.
And by increasing your sperm count you increase your chances
of having a baby boy. Why is that?
The Y-Sperm (boy sperm) is faster than the X-Sperm (girl
sperm). So if you can safely increase your sperm count, you
give a huge advantage to the boy Y-Sperm. With the extra
“troops” they can rush in there and punch through the egg
and fertilize it before the girl X-Sperm even arrive on the
So how do you use ice to bring an advantage to having a baby
boy? Simply grab an ice cube and rub it on your testicles
twice a day for about a minute. This should sufficiently
“wake up” your boys and increase your sperm count- thus
favoring conception of a baby boy. Do this for a few weeks
leading up to the planned conception.
Want to instantly hurt your chances of conceiving a baby
boy? Wear tight briefs. They smother your testicles and
raise their temperature. Not good! This hurts the process of
producing sperm. Not only do tight briefs hurt your chances
of having a baby boy, they don”t help you in having a baby
Why is that? It”s because having a lower sperm count doesn”t
favor having either gender; it just hurts your ability to
have a child. Less sperm equals less chance for pregnancy.
Simple. And wearing tight briefs not only hurt your sperm
count, they can and do decrease the quality of your sperm.
You”ll end up having a lot of sperm that swim in circles,
swim the wrong way, and/or have 2 tails. These sperm are
The better way to go. Wear boxers. Boxers allow your
testicles to “breathe”. They allow them to stay away from
the body and keep cooler. So be “cool”, wear boxers.
BEWARE! You obviously know alcohol isn”t good for having
children. Right?! But I want to give you one good reason to
stay away from it before and during a pregnancy- for both
men and women.
Alcohol has been proven to FEMINIZE a baby boy. Scary!
Before pregnancy, alcohol has been shown to alter a man”s
sperm. It makes the sperm more androgynous- having female
and male characteristics in one.
During pregnancy, a woman who consumes alcohol will alter
the fetus in the same androgynous way. Now it”s not
guaranteed you”ll have a girly boy, but you significantly
increase the odds. You”ve been warned. Choose wisely.
So there you have it. Those are just a few small ways to
increase the odds of having a baby boy and navigate around
having a feminine boy. Good luck.


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