What I”m about to tell you is known by less than 1 in 500
There are ways to increase the odds in having a baby boy or
girl – your choice. You can increase your odds to the point
of up to 98%. Think about it. A staggering 98 times out of
100 you can choose the gender of your baby by simply using
some little known techniques and methods. I”ll show you one
of them today.
Thought an innocent dip in the hot tub wouldn”t make a
difference in conceiving a baby boy or girl? Guess again.
Same with taking a hot bath.
For men wanting to have kids, hot tubs are off limits. They
are no good. Stay away-especially if you want a baby boy.
Hot tubs can and a lot of times do kill your sperm
production for up to 60 days-effectively rendering you
temporarily sterile (note: Don”t use hot tubs as an
alternative to normal birth control methods).
Heat is a potent killer of sperm.
Why do you think your testicles (where your sperm are
produced) hang away from the body? To stay cool. Ideally,
the testicles should be a few degrees cooler than the rest
of your body to produce high quality potent sperm.
Now, if using a hot tub doesn”t kill off your sperm
production and render you sterile, you can be sure a high
percentage of your sperm will be deformed and or useless.
You can be sure you hurt your chances of conception
So how does this factor into having a baby boy or girl? Boy
Y-Sperm are weaker and less resistant to heat. So if you go
into a hot tub, there”s a good chance you will wipe out all
of your boy Y-Sperm. But there”s also a good chance you
won”t kill off all of the tougher and more resistant girl
X-Sperm. Thus, you decrease the chances of conceiving a
baby boy.
But remember, you are not helping the chances of having a
girl if you use a hot tub simply because you do kill off
girl X-Sperm. Overall, you just hurt your chances of
conceiving. Lower sperm counts equal a harder time for
Now, if you are interested in conceiving a baby girl there
is one way to use a hot tub or a hot bath without
absolutely destroying your chances of conception.
If you time using a hot tub for 20 minutes or so right
before making love you can render a good part of the boy
Y-Sperm useless. And before the heat has a chance to knock
out most of your girl X-Sperm, you make love with the
confidence that most of the mobile and useful sperm
ejaculated will be girl X-Sperm.
Thus, your chances for a baby girl skyrocket. This is just
one of many ways to increase or decrease your odds in
conceiving a baby boy or girl.
There are other factors that play a more significant role
into whether you have a baby boy or girl. Combined, these
techniques, methods, and factors can effectively increase
your success rate up to 98% in choosing a baby boy or girl.
Good luck.


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