Still waiting to do something you”ve wanted to do? Putting it off until there”s time? Maybe it just doesn”t seem all that important to do now?
Living in the moment has a nice conceptual quality to it, however it has a “dark side” if it is applied to coping situations. I mean the going-on-hoping conditions that prohibit us from accomplishing those things we set out to do with any degree of ease.
Hoping that you can get through the day without adversity and hardship? Hoping that your fellow workers don”t dump another problem on you? Hoping that you”ll find that important document when you need it? Wishing, hoping, waiting.
To go on dreaming of ideal conditions is only as good as we take action toward achieving that vision. Dreaming is good. Action is better.
If you have a yard you”ve been wanting to trim and plant, do it now. Appreciate the beauty you”ll be creating now. “Now” can be a wondrous place when we make it the way we want it.
Why wait for something else to take place before you can do something?
I”ve heard people say, “When I have lots of money I can have a good life.” That may be true in terms of having certain things we want but cannot afford. Meanwhile, it”s how we spend our days that matters. It”s what we do now that helps us live our lives in better conditions.
I”ve had people say to me that they want to be organized but don”t have the incentive. That”s a dichotomy — wanting, yet not wanting to take action on the want. I would have to assume it”s not wanted enough.
I witnessed this. One person told me she needed incentive to get her space organized. I told her to look around her area and envision it the way she wants it. She did and smiled. I then said, “That”s your incentive.”
If you”re waiting for someone else to come along and give you a push to get something done, it will probably stay the way it is. To leave it up to others to get us to do something is putting our life in other”s hands. The fact is, it”s in our hands.
I believe us humans have great potential. We”re actually capable of making things happen. Yet some people choose to wait to make things happen. I”m sure there might seem to be legitimate barriers, but it”s still obvious to me that the recognition or desire has not been attained yet.
Making goals and moving forward on them now is the only way to achieving them. Dreaming your dreams is only as good as doing something about attaining them.
Stop waiting to do something. Just do it. Decide to cut through your own barriers (and believe me, they are YOUR barriers, not others and take action. Any action is suffice, even if it”s starting with a small action.
The “do it now” philosophy is what gets us from where we are now to where we want to be. Our vision is the road map. Our incentive is our driving force.
Why not make your life a glorious trip?


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