So, have you gone to the movies lately? Let”s face it, in
this day and age, going to the movies isn”t what it”s
cracked up to be. Recent studies have shown that box office
ticket sales have steadily declined over the years and the
reason is simple – years ago, if people wanted to see a
movie, they had no other choice other than going to the
theater. I don”t know about you, but I don”t remember the
last time I had a pleasant “movie going” experience. Let”s
look at what”s involved. First, you have to find out the
times and the movies that are playing. Next you have to get
in the car and drive to the theater giving yourself enough
time to park, get your tickets, buy your popcorn, etc. Okay,
now your all set and you enter the appropriate theater room
and find your seat. The movie begins and here come the
distractions. You have all the people straggling in that are
late, fumbling around in the dark trying to find their seat,
you have the whisperers, the plastic crinklers, the cell
phone talkers … I think you get the point. By the way, I
didn”t even mention the price of admission. Where I am from,
it costs about $7.50 US Dollars per person. Bring your
significant other, kids or whoever else and thow in the cost
of snacks ….. This is Big Bucks!
I don”t go to the theater anymore, because now I have
brought the theater to me. Yes, anytime I want to enjoy the
movie experience (without the above aggravations I simply
change into my most comfortable lounging outfit and take the
long trip down 13 steps into my gameroom , which I have
transformed into a home theater. The advantages are
unbelievable. I don”t have to drive anywhere, worry about
parking, or deal with annoying people anymore. If I need to
stop the movie to use the restroom or fix a quick snack, I
just pause the movie and go do my thing.Yes, I still need to
spend money on movies, but the prices of DVD”s have dropped
tremendously and you can find many good deals on used DVD”s,
which are just as good as a brand new one. Even the cost of
a rental is at least half that of a theater ticket.
Don”t get me wrong, your going to have to shell out some
bucks, but you can put together a decent set up for much
less that you think. Basically, you need a flat screen tv
and a surround system and you are good to go. How fancy you
want to get all depends on your budget, but trust me, it
will be a great investment in the long run. Don”t forget to
keep all this in mind the next time your sitting at the
theater and the kid next to you starts screaming out in the
middle of the movie and the two teenagers in front of you
wont shut up.


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