You may be one of those millions of people who have asked themselves this question and even if you are not, you will find the answer in the new independent comedy Machiavelli Hangman ( From the time of conception, the embryo is created within the female mold and it only begins to alter once the male chromosome kicks in. The film is far from being a documentary, but it offers such quirky dialogue that it will leave the audience jittering for more as they step out of the theatre.
Glancing over the audience, I could see wide open eyes and slightly parted lips as the viewers were taken aback and delighted all at the same time by the quirkiness of the piece. I had seen this similar reaction at the premiere of Star Wars first prequel and more recently at one of the first screenings of Revenge of the Sith. It is as if the audience comes in to a temple and they are completely hypnotized and taken under control by the filmmaker.
“There”s nothing more powerful than the right combination of words, images and music and human beings fall at the mercy of the artist, offered one of the parents who was stepping out of the theatre.
Machiavelli Hangman is one in the series of quirky dark comedies that have come out in recent years, including such cinematic delights as the Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and a close cousin of the not-so-funny-but-very-energetic Crash.
Machiavelli Hangman twists and turns and it does it in such a way that you dont see what”s coming from the other side and you don”t know how you will feel as you”re swept around each corner. The film follows the life of a shoe shiner as he is accidentally mistaken for a professional killer and hired to assassinate the president. While he is in need of money, he has to think thoroughly about the moral situation at hand and decide whether to go to jail or go to hell.
There are a lot of spiritual undertones to the film and the characters all generate such strong fortification of the theme that you leave the final credits with a strong understanding of what the filmmaker had intended the message to be. It reminded me of the Incredibles and how it also had a theme that was so well though-out and evident in every action or piece of dialogue throughout the film. It relayed a message of independence and identity and even the children in the audience could pin point it.
Fortunately, films seem to become more aware of theme and communication of strong values to the audience. Even superhero films such as Spiderman or Batman Begins have had a stronger essence and insight into the human condition. As an avid movie lover, I can finally say that the future of Hollywood is finally looking very bright again.


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