Self-destructing e-mail might sound bizarre, but it can have it”s uses.
What about those dirty jokes, or “bitching about the boss” messages you
send to each other at work. They”ve been known to backfire on you, haven”t
they? And emails have turned up as evidence in lawsuits, just ask Bill Gates.
But it wouldn”t have happened if self-destructing email had been invented.
Email that becomes impossible to read after just a few seconds or minutes,
using a self-destruct feature set by the sender.
It”s been invented by a new high-tech firm called Disappearing Inc, who have
developed a means of embedding “time bombs” in e-mail messages, ensuring
they are readable only as long as the sender wants.
The system, expected to be available early next year, encrypts each
message with an electronic key. The sender decides how long the key will
work – anywhere from a few seconds to years. After that, the key self-destructs
and the message becomes unreadable.


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