Melissa Quiter
When I meet holistic professionals and ask them what they do, I hear a very different answer from those experiencing success than from those who are struggling. The difference is not in what you offer, how much you charge or your experience and credentials. The difference I hear is in what is focused on in your answer.
As a holistic professional, you know your business is not about you. Your business is about the people you serve – your clients. So, when you answer the question — “What do you do?” — your answer must also focus on your clients and not on you. If you answer by describing your services, explaining the process of what you provide or sharing your knowledge, experience and education — that is about you.
Potential clients (as all people you meet are, either directly or as a referral source) do not want to talk about you. They want to know what you can do for them. They want to know what results they will experience if they choose to work with you. By speaking to their most challenging problems with your most effective results, you assist them in knowing if they are interested in listening to you further. After prospects know you understand their challenges and can help solve them, those other aspects then become important. The key is not offering them too soon.
There is a profound quote that says, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” This is even truer in business. When you connect with potential clients on what is most challenging them, you show them you understand where they are coming from and that you get it. People don’t buy your services and they don’t choose you because of your process or what you know. People buy your results. Your services, process and experience only assist you in delivering those results.
So, the next time you get asked — “What do you do?” — I invite you to listen to how you answer. Remember


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