Q: I am so sick of all the spam that is sent to my business email address. I spend an hour every morning just trying to sort out the good email from the bad. I know I could just delete it all, but I”m afraid I”ll accidentally delete email that might be important to my business. Short of unplugging my computer, what”s the best solution for dealing with spam?
A: I feel your pain. I, too, miss the good old days when the only time you”d spend an hour dealing with spam was trying to pry it out of the can.
Due to the nature of my business, I get a lot of unwanted email. I”ve been working on the Internet since 1995 and my email address has been publicly exposed for most of that time, so I am a spammer”s delight. It is no exaggeration to say that I used to receive more than 400 email messages a day. Out of those 400 messages about 10


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