“New Orleans, Mad City”

New Orleans, mad city

What have yea for your pence?

I see the shackles in your keep

Have opened doors to the sheep
Yea! And souls of many!

New Orleans, mad city

What thieves shall you invite?

An old woman, your youth is done,

Will the torches flare tonight?
Now shadows come: the shadows go
Yea! And the souls of many!

New Orleans, mad city

With no blood in the face!

That toiled for gold and fame;

The blood upon your thin pen
Gave only free servitude:
Yea! To the souls of many!

#844 9/10/05

Note by the author [brief commentary]: “Perhaps New Orleans will survive as it struggles to rise from beneath the iron waters of the tyrant storm. When the future of the South sees this city bearable for women and children to live in again that is; thus, it depends on them and the pride and integrity and forbearance of this willing nation (white and black alike) to reach out and help: stop trying to push through the crowd, do what needs to be done, right! Or perhaps, it is simply too late.”

A Halo for Hell

The Vampire bat, wide-eyed Orange and cold:
From out of his crypt At twilight, he comes to collect
The venom in their blood And the marrow in their bones;
Brings it back to Hell at night Down the Rivers Hades
To the docks alone Thus, perfume for the horde of demon
And a halo for the groom! Nothing for the goblin or witch
And for the Vampire BatA vacation from his crypt!…

#845 9/2005

Poet, Dennis Siluk writes,and lives in Peru, and Minnesota you can see his books at any internet book site


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